Chapter 31 [A CHANGE OF HEART]

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                 CRYSTAL'S P.O.V.

walked out of the cell feeling very antsy. I was told not to eat anything during the day because the abortion will be carried out during dinner time. I was also given an option of either taking the abortion pills but since I was past 10 weeks that wasn't an option at all so I have to settle for the in clinic process. I was really sceptical about this.

I saw Ares and when she spotted me, she walked into my direction. When she got closer she shouted "Cee my soulmate, finally. I was looking for you everywhere."

I laughed. "Well, everywhere apart from my cell"  she laughed and looked at me. She eyed me suspiciously.  Her eyes stopped at my stomach. She remained emotionless. I hope she doesn't know.

"Come follow me, I have something I want you to see" she took my hand and I followed her behind. I didn't know what she was up to but I will definitely find out. I didn't even know where she was taking me. We walked for sometime then we entered a certain building. I didn't know there was such a building in this prison.

She opened the big brown doors with one of the keys from the bunch she had. We got in and it was noisy as hell. It wasn't just any noise, it was the sound of kids. They were crying, screaming, playing and shouting.

We entered the first room that was just close to the door. It was full of life. Colors and drawings covered the walls.

The kids were seated on their colorful desks and seats. They were busy coloring their books. When they noticed that we had entered, they smiled widely.

"Hello Ares" they all said in unison. It felt amazing to hear their angelic voices. Ares smiled at them.

"Hello kids, how are you?" She asked them.

"We are fine thank you Ares" they all answered.

Ares turned to look at me. "I brought a friend with me. Her name is Crystal".

They all turned and looked at me. "Hello Crystal. Welcome to our class." I felt my heart melt.

"Thank you kids" I said and one girl who had long strawberry blond hair, got up from her seat and  walked up to me. She held my hand.

"You have a very beautiful name, I like it, my name is Cindy, short for Cinderella. Will you be my friend?" I bent down to her level.

"Your name is beautiful too and yes, I will be your friend" I said and she immediately crushed me into a tight hug.

"Thank you for being my friend" she walked back to her seat.

We left that room and entered a couple of more classes. It was like a school. The kids were amazing and very polite.  We then went to where they play. I expected to see a messy place but shock on me, all the toys were kept in the shelves around the big hall like room. It was so beautiful.

We left that room and we went upstairs. Ares didn't say a word. We entered a nursery full of incubators. There were small kids in there. It was dead silent. I could even hear my own heartbeat. I walked over to one child. It was a boy according to the name tag placed on the incubator. He was named, Andrea Broderick. He looked so peaceful and calm. When his tiny eyes opened, he smiled a little. He opened his hands and started throwing them.  I felt like my motherly instincts had kicked in. The feeling was satisfying. Ares told me that we had to leave.

She took me to the last room. There were little kids there but they couldn't talk. They were too young to talk. A small girl crawled up to Ares. I could already see the resemblance. She had her mother's curly hair and brown eyes. "Mama" she said and Ares bent down and picked her up.

"Crystal, meet my daughter, Moon" she said and I looked at Moon. She was so adorable.

Ares sat on the farthest corner in the room and started breastfeeding her daughter. I imagine myself with my child in my arms, breastfeeding her. It gave me a certain joy in my heart that I have never felt before. I imagined a mini me running around and calling me 'mama'  it felt so comforting.

A smile remained plastered on my face. I couldn't shake off the feeling of having my own child. It was something I wanted to experience. I didn't care anymore if the father is a son of a bitch straight up from hell.
All I knew is that I was going to nature the child to become an amazing human being. It doesn't matter who the father is anymore, all that matters is that he or she is going to have me as a mother.

Right there and then, I promised myself to be the best mom in the whole wide world. I touched my stomach. I continued to make promises on the little one. I promised him or her that I will love her unconditionally. I will treasure him or her and I will provide anything that he or she might need. I will be there for him or her and I will protect him or her with my life.

I would never let any harm come your way little one. I will hold your hand every step of the way. I will make sure that you will never lack anything.  I promise that I will be the best mother ever. I am so honored to have you as a child little.

I made my mind that I was going to keep the baby. Eleven weeks old. I can't wait to have you in my arms little one.

Finally Crystal has had a change of heart. I am so excited for the next chapters that are about to come.


Thank you for reading this chapter ❤️

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