Chapter 27[ZAGAN]

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SOMETIMES, just sometimes I wish I never met Veronica. She is nothing but a demon in a woman's body.

I had completed my meeting with the board of directors and I was now getting my stuff so that I can go to my house and rest. I walked out of my office and headed straight to my car. I am really tired. The company is slowly falling apart. I have tried to sell some of the shares to prominent businessmen but no one seems interested. If I don't get an investor soon, things will go bad.

The traffic today was bad. I've been stuck here for two hours now. But it's quite therapeutic. I get to have some time to myself and think about things that I have been pushing aside.

Today officially marks three weeks since Crystal was sent to prison. I don't really know how I feel about that. I thought that I'll be contented and satisfied but instead I feel empty.

She deserves it. She deserves being in prison. She is a filthy little whore. She cheated on me when I loved her genuinely. She fooled me and made me believe that she was faithful. But I found out anyway. All this Is a little payback. Her father ruined my family. I can't let the daughter of the man who broke my family walk on these streets free. She had to pay for everything that she and her father did.

Finally the traffic started to clear out. I turned on the radio and started to listen to the music. I needed to calm myself and music was my only remedy for now.

Minutes later, I pulled up into the driveway way and parked my car into the garage. Veronica's BMW is here so that means she's in the house. But there's another car, a black SUV. It was parked next to Veronica's car. It might be one of her rich fake friends. I got out of the car and walked to the front door. I rung the doorbell but no one opened the door, it was unlocked. I entered and it was oddly silent.

I dropped my briefcase on the table and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of ice cold water. I took off my coat and walk to my room. I had some moans coming from upstairs. I listened carefully and it was coming from my room. I opened the door and I stopped on my tracks when my eyes landed on the scene infront of me right now. I couldn't believe it. Veronica was being drilled by three men. Three.

In my house. In my fucking bed. Is she crazy. She could've done that somewhere else. Not in my house and especially not in my room and not in my bed. Oh I was beyond furious. My nose was flaring with anger. I knew that she sleeps around. What I didn't know was that she would be with three men, at the same damn time. This is unbelievable.

The men stopped their pounding once they realized that I was in the room. "What the fuck is going on Veronica?" I seethed.

"Stop asking me stupid questions Xavier. I am having a good time here so do you mind?, And shut the door behind you!" Did I hear her correctly? Was she talking to me? I even turned my head to look behind me and see if there's another Xavier behind me that she was addressing. But she was talking to me. Xavier Smith.

"Three of you, get out of my house" I spat. They didn't bulge. They just stared at me like I was a lost clown.

"I know that I don't have a red button nose and my face isn't painted white so why are you staring at me like I'm supposed to be at a kids birthday party and I just entered the wrong house, I know I didn't stutter when I told you to get out of my house. I don't know why you're still standing here!" They looked at Veronica and she gave them a small nod. "Wait for me down stairs boys I'll be with you shortly." She said and they walked past me with their dicks hanging low. Didn't they like bring some clothes?. That's not my business anyway.

I lunged at Veronica and pushed her against the wall. I squeezed her neck with my palm chocking her. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck gave you the audacity to bring men into my house.?" Her face had turned red and her eyes were teary. I dropped her on the floor and she gasped for air. She held her neck and started to cough. I slapped her. Hard. She fell face flat on the floor. A gasp left her mouth. "Listen you filthy bitch. The next time you bring anyone in my house, I'll end you." I kicked her on the stomach and got out.

I entered into the club and sat at the bar. I ordered an iced vodka. I needed it. I kept on drinking and drinking. I was way too stressed. Then a man came and sat next to me. He looked oddly familiar.

"You! It was you. You are the guy who told all about the Danford's wealth. Your the guy who told me to go after the bag since I couldn't have the girl"
I said. He ignored me and sipped his drink. He then turned to look at me. It really is him. I tried to remember his name. He had told me that his name was..... Zigan.....Zillan? No Zagan. Yes that's his name. Zagan.


Zagan is the same man who's always behind the curtains. He's also the man who strangled Crystal at the cemetery. He's also the man who bought himself a bed.


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