Chapter 38 [DROPPED DEAD]

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                  THIRD PERSON'S POV

Xavier just got a notification from one of his men that Crystal had been released from jail. Even if she was on the hospital bed she was now free from all the charges that he had accused her of. This new information worried him big time. He had a lot of 'what ifs'.  He wasn't sure if the new lawyer had gotten any information about him killing the real culprit or bribing the jury and the judge. He was worried. He drowned himself in alcohol and locked himself in the only thing he had left, his house.

Zagan was formulating another plan. A plan that would land him everything that he wanted. He knew that if he did things the right way this time round, he would walk out free of loaded. But he had to be smart and this time round, he had planned to work alone. He had to get rid of some people who were dragging him behind. But first, he wanted to see the woman  he couldn't get out of his mind for a whole minute now.

When the lawyer Mr Daniel opened the file from the Forensics, he didn't expect the results that he got. The results were negative. There was a big puzzle here. He had so many questions. Why did Lewis Winters fake his death? Where was Lewis Winters? Those were some of the questions that clouded his brain. The Danford case was bigger than he thought. There were so many things that were a miss. So much was hidden from them. He only wished that Crystal could wake up and answer some of the questions that he had. Suddenly, his phone pinged. He picked it up and unlocked it. There were six new videos from an unknown number. He  opened the first video and it was Xavier Smith. Crystal's ex husband. He was in a place that looked like a warehouse. Xavier was pointing a gun at someone. "Who sent you to kill Matteo?" Xavier asked the guy who was kneeling infront of him, his voice was full of anger. He looked really determined to kill the guy. "why would I tell you?" The guy spoke. He sounded bold. "Because I will kill you if you don't" Xavier answered "you'd kill me even if I told you so I won't, just get on with it"  he sounded ready to die. Xavier didn't hesitate, he cocked his gun and pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight to his head. "Clean that up" He took out a white handkerchief and wiped his gun. Two men came behind him and carried the body of the dead guy.

He then opened the second video. It was still a recording of Xavier's secret meeting with the judge. In the video, Xavier asks the judge to name his price and he does. He asked Xavier for 4.5 million dollars. He was to get a deposit in cash and the rest of the amount in cheque. He moved on to the other video and they were recordings of him and the jury and the witnesses and even four police officers Mr Daniel immediately forwarded the videos to the police officer in charge  Sir Barnie and Lorenzo.

Xavier got another alert that the new lawyer had videos of everything he had done in order to win the case. He knew that his  clock was ticking. His time was almost over. He needed to find Veronica but he didn't know where to start looking. He was sure that she had not left the country so where would she hide? Xavier thought. He was thinking too hard for all the possible hideouts that Veronica would have. But then it hit him. The only place he wouldn't bother to look. In his house, and In Crystals bedroom. He paid the bartender and sprinted out of the club. I called a cub because he was in no condition to drive.

Hours later, Xavier was dropped by the  cub. He paid the driver and walked into his house. He went straight upstairs to where the guest bedroom was. He stood by the door and tried to listen if there was any noise coming from inside but it was dead silent. He went into the kitchen to get the spare keys. He searched everywhere but he couldn't locate them. He then remembered that they were in his bedroom. He took off to his bedroom to get the keys and he got them at last. Xavier walked back the door and opened it. There was a slight noise coming from the inside. Someone was taking a shower. So his intuition was right. He pushed the door open and took his gun out. He entered into the room and started to look around. He saw the clothes that Veronica had laid out on the bed. He walked over to the shower and found her there. He lifted his gun and pointed it at her. "get out" she didn't flinch. It was almost like she saw it coming or she was expecting to see him. She stepped out of the shower and took her bathrobe and covered herself. "Took you long enough" Veronica said and he clenched his jaw in anger. He had been looking for someone who was living comfortably in his house. "Well before you pull the trigger, I want you to listen to what I have to say. Remember back then when you received those videos of Crystal and another man? Well it wasn't her. The same way you paid a model to pose as her was the same thing I did. I would highly suggest you go and watch those videos again. Oh and before I forget, I was the one who paid the wardens to beat her up until that thing in her stomach died..." She didn't get to say another word because Xavier's anger had already taken control over his body. He pulled the trigger and shot her seven times on the chest. She dropped dead.


Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️

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