Chapter 48 [WINTERS]

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                  CRYSTAL'S POV

After Sir Barnie had left, I was just Lorenzo and I in the house but not for too long because he was packing his clothes because he had a flight to catch. Apparently his brother is bringing home his fiancee for the first time and they all have to be there. He wanted me to go with him because he was afraid of leaving me alone but I said no. It was a family thing and I didn't want to intrude.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me? I mean you are like family?" Lorenzo kept on insisting and I declined.

"Lorenzo, for the a hundredth time, it's okay, you can go and be with your family, I am fine here, besides, I have the maids, they'll help with everything I need" He looked at me like he didn't want to leave at all.

When he was done packing up his clothes, he dragged the suitcase down the stairs where I was waiting for him by the door. "You really want to get rid of me don't you?" He said while grabbing me into a bone crushing hug.

" You know that's not true, I just don't want to be a bother, plus you promised that you'll be back here tomorrow night."

I pulled out of the hug and his taxi driver honked at him. He was running really late. I shooed him and told him to leave. "Call me if you need anything. I'll have my phone on me 24/7 I promise"  I nodded my head and he walked to the car.

I watched as the car drifted away.  I got into the house and went straight to the kitchen. It was going to be a long night. I took a glass of fresh blended mango juice from the juicer and drank it. After I was done with that, I went into my room.

By the time I was getting to my room, my head was feeling very heavy and I was feeling dizzy. My eyes were becoming blurry and I felt extremely tired. But I didn't do anything today. Maybe I just needed some rest. I didn't get to change into my night gown, I lied on my bed and I was immediately carried away by sleep.

        #~ Next day in the morning ~#

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. My head was killing me and I couldn't take it. I opened my eyes and it was not bright at all. It was dull actually. There was a little light coming from somewhere across the room. My eyes felt itchy so I pulled my right hand so that I could scratch it but my hands didn't move. I turned my head to look at my hands and see what was going on and I was shocked. My hand was chained to the bed. I looked at my other hand but it was also chained to the bed. Now both my hands were chained up to the bed. Even my legs were spread apart and chained on to the bed. Shit.

I hope that this isn't what I think it is.  "Hello?...... Is anybody there? .....  Can someone please hear me" I called out but no one answered. I tried to break the chains but it was all in vain. The chains are too tight and forcing my way out of them was making it extremely painful.

"Help! can somebody help me?". "Help! Help! I screamed and shouted but no one came to help me.

I cried until there were no more tears left to cry. My throat was dry, my hands and legs were in pain from trying to break the chains. I was now helpless. I was in this dark room that had no light. I could see the bars that on the door. It made the room to feel like a cell. It gave me chills. The last time I was in a cell, I got out barely alive. I don't want to experience that again.

I felt like using the bathroom urgently but I held it in. There's no way I am going to pee on myself. But maybe if I do, they'd reconsider and let me go since I will be smelling and I'll be disgusting. But no I can't. Maybe I can. But No. I'll hold it in and wait until someone comes, if no one comes, I'll just have to pee on myself. But no.

I don't know for how long I have been in here but I can't take it anymore. So I let go. I peed on myself. It was disgusting I know but if you were in my place right now, I am a hundred percent sure you would have done exactly what I did. I tried to hold it in but I don't want to damage my organs.

I hadn't eaten the whole day and my stomach was growling. I was worried sick about my unborn babies. It not right to starve. They are depending on me to feed them. How could I have let this happen?

This cannot be happening. How did I even get here in the first place? I am clearly not in my house. They must have brought me to this place at night. But how could I have not heard them carrying me? They must have drugged me. But how?. The Juice. It's the only thing that I took before I went to bed. Oh God. Please save me from this one.

I heard footsteps. They were nearing in my direction. I wanted to know who was behind this. Every step increased my anxiety and I wanted to know who the person is. "oh my goodness, what is that smell" I heard a voice at the door saying. But the voice, where have I heard it before. 'done oogling Miss Danford?' that's where I heard it. Lewis. The bars opened and I saw the one and only Lewis Winters.

"What are you doing here Winters ?"


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