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                    THIRD PERSON'S POV

Hours had passed and the doctor was still in the room with Crystal. Ares came back from the church and brought coffee and sandwiches for everyone. No one had left the hospital and they were all too stubborn to leave. Ares had told them so many times to go home and get some rest but they didn't listen to him. They were all pacing around and bitting their fingernails. Anxiety had taken over all of them and no one was calm anymore. No one knew what was going on in the room and it made them more anxious.

Xavier was just entering the abandoned building that Zagan had told him to meet him in. He hurried up the stairs all the way to the 26th floor. He didn't even loose his breath. His whole focus was to see Crystal and apologize for everything he had done. He got to the floor and immediately spotted Zagan standing at the edge of an unfinished window space. "It's done. Veronica is dead. Now take me to see my child" he spoke. "Good job. But just so you know, the police know everything. They are out there looking for you." Xavier felt like Zagan was wasting his time. He didn't care if the whole country was looking for him, all he wanted to do was be in the hospital with his wife and unborn child. "Patience child, have patience" Zagan said but that wasn't what Xavier wanted to hear. He wanted to go right now. Patience was a luxury they he couldn't afford.

After 30mins Zagan and Xavier left the building. They went straight to the hospital and met up with the guy who was lending them the hospital uniforms. Xavier wore the nurse attire and Zagan had the doctor attire. They were covered everywhere  just to hide their real identity. They were led to the back door and into the lab. Finally, they entered into Crystals room. Xavier saw Lorenzo, his arch nemesis. He hated that guy with passion. Lorenzo was everything he wasn't. Xavier knew that Lorenzo deserved Crystal more than he did. He was selfish and inconsiderate and all he did was hurt Crystal. He shook those thoughts away and entered into the room. He was shocked to see the state at which Crystal was in. Her whole body was full of tubes. He hated himself for putting her in such a condition. He felt terrible. 

Lorenzo looked at Crystal's room suspiciously when he saw the two guys, a male nurse and a male  doctor. He felt like they were up to something. They clearly didn't look like doctors. His instincts told him that the guy in the nurse attire was Xavier and his instincts never lied to him. The way he looked at him before he got into Crystal's room said it all.

30 minutes later all the doctors in the room got out. Dr Martin who was Crystal's doctor walked to where they were all seated. "We have some good news. Crystal is finally responding to the treatment. She has started to show signs of recovery. We expect her to wake up in less than 17hours from now." The doctor said. Everyone released a sigh of relief and thanked the doctor. Lorenzo saw the two guys disappearing in the hallway. They were going towards the exit. He took his phone and called the cops who were keeping an eye outside the hospital. He quickly followed them. When he got to the exit he saw the guy in the doctor uniform handing Xavier over to the police.

One thing about Zagan, he always kept his word. He had told Xavier that he would take him to see Crystal and he did. But now he wanted him out of the way. So when he got to the exit door or the hospital, he handed him over to the police and left. He had finally gotten rid of the second person.  Two more to go. He felt good that now, he can stay in a real house. Part of the deal that he had with Xavier was that he could get Xavier's house. He signed the ownership transfer documents. The only thing that was on his way now was that the house was restricted since it was a crime scene.  He planned to wait for them to clear it up so that he could move in.

Ares was extremely happy to hear that finally Crystal was responding to the medication.  Her prayers were finally answered. God didn't disappoint her. They were told to let her rest but when she woke up they would be allowed to see her. The was a nurse who was left inside to watch over her during the day and a nurse who would come to be with her during the night until she wakes up. They were all free to go home and get some rest and come back the next day to check up on her. Ares went to church to offer her thanks to God for the answered prayer. After that she went home to her child and her husband. She was happy that finally, that asshole called Xavier was arrested. What he couldn't believe was that Xavier had killed all those people. Including Crystal's parents. How heartless could he have been. She couldn't even begin to understand how her best friend got into a relationship with such a cruel and heartless man. He was a psychopath and a murderer. He deserved to stay in jail for the rest of his life. Ares even felt like he deserved to be brutality beaten up and tortured till he died, prison was an easier way for him. He should experience worse pain. If it was up to Ares, she could have passed him through hell and back but now, he was in the hands of the law and he had to face the consequences of his actions. But Ares was a little bit satisfied that her friend was finally getting better.


Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️

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