Chapter 49[KIDNAPPED]

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                         LORENZO'S POV
I didn't want to leave Crystal alone and she knew that. But in my family, it's a taboo to not be available on a family meeting. You would be disowned. My parents said that they have a very important announcement to make. I had already requested for my private jet to be prepared for my travel back.

When the I got home, I wanted to call Crystal but I knew that she was already sound asleep and I didn't want to disturb her so instead, I sent her a text to inform her that I had arrived home. I unpacked and went downstairs to greet my parents. Problem is, I didn't know where they were. This house is so big and you never know where people are. You might think that they are watching a movie but you might end up seeing them downstairs on the basement grilling steaks and burgers. You just never know where to find anyone in this house.

I settled on not searching for them anymore and I decided to get some food in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and found my brother making out with a red haired girl on the kitchen counter. It was disgusting.

"Eeew get a room" I told Gio. He turned to look at me.

"Hey Enzo, I didn't know that you had arrived already, Mooom?! Daaad?! Enzo's here."  Giovanni, yelled.

"Enzo, is it a must I drag you down here to see your only family?" My mamá hugged me tightly and when she pulled out, she pinched my ear. I yelped and everyone laughed at me.

" Dad, I know you miss me" he shook his head and hugged me anyway. I was about to say something when my phone rung.  I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Sir Barnie calling. I excused myself and went to the garden to answer the phone.

"You won't believe what just happened Lorenzo. I went back to where the accident happened and it kind of unlocked all of my memories. I remember everything. I remember that I had a wife called Pearla Gonzalez and she was Mexican.  She was pregnant with twins girls and she was about to give birth when I got hit by the motorcycle. I also remember that Natalie was a college fling  who was obsessed with me. And I just got the DNA  test results and Derrick and Leonardo are not my sons. And do you know that Natalie and that drug junkie are still chasing Pearla. They want to kill her so that she won't expose their dirty business.  Lucky for me Elvis has her now and they are landing in thirty minutes time. I am on my way to the airport to pick them up.  This is very overwhelming. "

I have never heard Sir Barnie talk like that. It is indeed overwhelming. But at least we have some lead.  I had this strange feeling that something wasn't right.

"Hey can you please send someone to go and check out if Crystal is okay?" He didn't waste time.

"yeah , right away, I'll talk to you later. I just got to the airport." I told him to inform me if anything feels off he agreed and ended the call. 

I talked with Gio about how the business is going on. He gave me all the information that I needed and he left to help dad in the garage.

I went back into the kitchen to take bottled water and that's when I saw her.

"Crystal?  How did you get here? And what's with the red hair? And why the fuck are you not pregnant?" She looked at me like I was insane.

"I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Christine not Crystal" 

what? But why the fuck does she look exactly like Crystal?

  "Do you by any chance have a sister?" She shook her head and and told me that she's an only child. I took my phone out and showed her Crystal's picture.

"Shit! She looks exactly like me, where is she? I want to meet her. Can I meet her?"  I told her that she can.

Sir Barnie called me again and I had that feeling. My instincts were telling me that something isn't right and my mom always said that my instincts are like that of a woman. They are never wrong. I answered the phone and I could tell that I wasn't getting good news.

"It's about Crystal. All the guards and maids were shot at her house. According to a maid who pretended to be dead, two guys took her and killed everyone else. She already called the cops and they are in with it. Hey Enzo, don't worry, we are going to find her." I dropped the phone and sat on the ground.

I should've known better that to leave her there alone. I took my phone and told the guys to prepare the jet, I'll be flying out of Italy anytime soon. Lucky for me they will be landing any minute now. I called my parents and told them everything. Christine and Giovanni wanted to come with me and help with things. I accepted their offer. We didn't have time to pack our clothes so we decided that we'll buy some once we get there.

When we landed, Sir Barnie was waiting for us. There was a woman with her who I suppose was Pearla. When we go closer to her, she looked at Christine like she was a long lost family member.

"Christine Hernandez?  Daughter of Mr & Mrs Hernandez?" Pearla asked. Sir Barnie was still shocked by how much she resembles Crystal.  We got into the black SUV and we left. Elvis followed us from behind and tried to help us locate the possible areas where the kidnappers could've taken her.

Elvis came up with a plan. He told us to cover the places where the police didn't cover. We sent some of our men to Xavier's house and others were sent to abandoned buildings, warehouses, churches and other places.


thanks for reading this chapter ❤️

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