Chapter 41[A LOT TO PROCESS ]

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                  CRYSTAL'S POV

I heard some noises. It was a beeping sound, I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I tried to look around and see if I could find the thing that was making that noise. I wanted to smash it so that it can shut the hell up. So I opened my eyes. Wrong move. It was hella bright. I closed my eyes quickly and cursed inside. I fluttered my eyelids and opened my eyes slowly. It wasn't bright this time round, it was like someone was blocking the light from getting to my eyes. Everything was blurry. After one minute of blinking continuously, my eyes cleared up and the first thing I saw was Ares' black eyes on my face. "Get your scary eyes off my face" I said. I wanted to shout but it only came out really rusty. Ares took a glass of water and held it on my mouth. I sat up and she helped me with the water. I drunk it and it smoothened my throat.

"Finally you are awake. How was your little trip no-nowhere-land?" Ares said sarcastically and I heard a bunch of laughs. I looked around the room and saw so many familiar faces. Lorenzo Lombardi was seated close to the door on my left side, next to him was Sir Barnie with a wide grin on his face. I was so happy to see that I had people who were there by my side. I appreciate their presence from the deepest part of my heart. For the first time in forever, I didn't wake up alone in a hospital bed. I was grateful for that.

Sir Barnie stood up from his seat and walked over to where I was. He hugged me and whispered, "welcome back sweetie" I my eyes became blurry because of the tears that were threatening to fall and I didn't stop them from falling. It was so kind of him to stay here with me when he had his own family to take care of. "Thank you so much for being here Sir Barnie, this means so much to me" I said while wiping the tears from my face with the back of my hand.

"Don't worry about it, you are like a daughter to me and I will always be there for you no matter what" she nodded her head and Sir Barnie went back to sit.

Lorenzo stood up and walked to her  bed. He embraced her into a suffocating hug. I saw how vulnerable he was.

They had known each other for a very long time and she had never seen him in such a vulnerable state. She couldn't believe it. Never in his life had he ever cried infront of people but now, he couldn't stop his tears from falling and he wasn't going to stop them. The thought of loosing Crystal again had scared the shit out of him. He knew that if it could have happened this time round, he would not be able to pull himself back together like last time.

"Lorenzo, I can't breathe" I choked out. "oh sorry, I am just so happy that you are alive and back to us." He said nervously while pulling away from the hug. His hands were getting sweaty. "Sit down pretty boy, it's my turn now" Ares said. Lorenzo turned around and gave her a playful glare. He sat down before Ares could unleash her wrath on him. Sir Barnie laughed at them, clearly entertained.

Ares pushed me aside and jumped into the bed. I knew better than to resist her. I didn't want to start a world war three of insults and arguments. "So tell me what happened. Why am I in here, in a hospital bed?" I asked all of them. Before any of them could answer, my memory plaid everything in my mind.

I remember how Kristina and her minions were kicking me on my stomach. I remembered how weak and defenseless I was. My baby. I held my stomach and felt the bump. I relaxed. But I wanted to know if Kristina had gotten away with what she did to me.

"I know what you are going to ask. Kristina and her puppets were arrested. Apparently, the head office were investigating the death of Daisy and the other people who had gone missing mysteriously. They had placed new hidden cameras all over the prison and they saw everything that happened. She was termed dangerous and she was taken to the women's maximum prison. She was kept in isolation and she is going through therapy." Ares said. My heart relaxed. I was so happy to hear this. Finally she has been served. "There's more. That girl you used to hang out with. Savannah. She's the one who killed Daisy. Did you know that she stabbed her boyfriend seven times and dismembered his body parts and packed them into a trash bag and delivered it to the mother of her boyfriend just because he told her to get mental help. She was also taken to isolation." What the actual fuck. Savannah was a complete psychopath. So she lied to me.

"That's not all. Veronica Lynn is dead. Her body was found in Xavier's house in one of the guestrooms." What. Hold the fuck up. They could all see the shock in my eyes. Veronica, dead. How did she die? What killed her.

"Let me save you the stress. Veronica paid Kristina to kill your child. And according to Xavier's statement, she sent videos of a certain girl having sex with her boyfriend to Xavier and told him that the girl was you. Xavier got angry and shot her several times until she died. Also Xavier was behind the death of your parents. He had shot them and drove the car into an electric post. He made their death to look like an accident. He also paid the police officer who were investigating the matter to stop the investigation and write it off as a car accident. Xavier was arrested yesterday when he came to see you here. And then finally. You are no longer a jail bird. You are free. The lawyer that was hired by Lorenzo managed to get his hands on the evidence that got you out of jail." Ares finished.

I was still stuck on three things that she said. Veronica paid Kristina to kill my child. Xavier killed my parents. I was free. All this things happened while I was in the hospital bed. I still didn't manage to say anything yet because of the shock. "oh and before I forget, Lewis Winters, your former lawyer isn't dead. The body they found in his car didn't belong to him.the problem is, we don't really know where he is." Okay. This was a lot of information. "How long have I been here?" I asked Ares. "Three weeks and four days." She answered and I nodded. All this things happened when I was knocked out. It was indeed a lot to process.

Thank you for reading this chapter ❤️

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