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I stayed locked up in the cell thinking of how Xavier would react if he found out by any chance that I am pregnant. I had a conversation with Melissa and she told me that he deserves to know. I don't know how I feel about that. But she was right. I know that he's going to think that I am trying to blackmail him to drop the charges and that's why I don't want to tell him. I've been feeling really connected to the baby lately. I don't know how it happened but oh well. I have finally accepted the fact that I am pregnant for a man who only cares about money and popularity. But I am not going to keep it

It's finally on Friday and I am so ready for the trial. I've grown emotionally strong. I don't cry anymore. And it's all thanks to Melissa. She is being released today and I am so happy for her. The sun is already out and I know that they are going to come for me anytime soon.

I spoke to Mr Winters a few days ago and he told me that Xavier and Veronica got married. I wasn't surprised though. Veronica even had the nerve to go to Mr Winters' house to ask him to drop my case. I was really relieved when he kicked her out. We've grown really close and he comes to check up on me every day. I really appreciate his efforts. We still don't have any evidence to prove my innocence but I trust Mr Winters.

I heard the cell being opened and I knew that it was time for my trial. Since we only shower at night, I combed my hair with my fingers and fixed my outfit. Sir Barnie had brought some clothes for me. I honestly don't know what I could've done without him. I was wearing black high waist pants and a turquoise long sleeve button down shirt. The cop told me that her name is Ann a few days ago, came in and handcuffed me. I know that today's trial will determine if I'll be sent to jail or I'll be released. We walked over to where the courtroom was.

I immediately spotted Clara, the maid. I'm happy she came. I was surprised to see Scarlet and Mr Bolodenka. I wasn't expecting them to be here at all.
The judge arrived and the session started.

After they jury was empaneled, the trial begun with opening statements. And after that, they called the evidence was brought to the judge. Then the witnesses were cross examined by both lawyers.

The first person to testify was a guy hired by Xavier. Then followed by the two women that claimed to have seen me getting out of the parking lot and entering into a matte black Range Rover. They said that they even saw me driving to the back of the building. People can really lie. Their statements were faulty. Everyone could notice it apart from the jury.

With how things are going, I don't think we are going to win the case.
I just said a short prayer.
I saw Veronica winking at Mr Winters. It bothered me alot. They knew that even if we continue, they'd still win. It made think that maybe, just maybe they had bribed the judge and the jury.

Before the case was handed over to the jury, each side was given an opportunity to discuss the evidence presented to the jury and urge them to make a favorable decision. Since Xavier's side had the burden of proof, they went first the my side went. After we were done, Xavier's side went again. I knew that it's going to be impossible to convince them since they were already sold by Xavier's story.

It was now time for the jury to deliberate in private. I don't know why I have my hopes up when I already know that I will be going to jail.
I was really tense. I could see Xavier throwing glances at me but I didn't want to look at him. It reminded me that I'm in this situation right now because I chose to love him instead of obeying my late parents. I have seen movies if how people are treated in jail and I am not ready for that life at all. I don't have the strength to fight real criminals.

Hours later, the jurors came back with the final verdict. I could already see myself in an orange overall outfit.

"Guilty as charged your honor" a woman stood up and said. My vision became blurry because of the tears that were now flowing. I felt dizzy but I don't want to show them that I am weak. " Due to the decision made by the jury, you are hereby sentenced to 25 years in jail for first degree murder, and an additional of 7years for destruction of private property and possession of explosives. You will be transferred to the Women's Correction Center tomorrow morning, Case closed." The judge stood up and left.

I wiped my tears and hugged Mr Winters. Sir Barnie came and hugged me as well. Then followed by Scarlet and Mr Bolodenka. Mr Winters assured me that he'll get me out of jail and for some reason, I believed him. Ann, the cop came and took me back to the cell. I couldn't help myself. I cried and whipped. I asked God so many questions. I even wished that all this was a nightmare and I will soon wake up in Xavier's arms and he'll comfort me and tell me that everything is going to be okay and it was just a bad dream. But no. This is my reality now.



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