Chapter 51 [FINAL PART]

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               LORENZO'S POV

When Scarlet called me to inform me that she knows where Crystal was being held and we should meet her at an abandoned police station in the middle of nowhere. I didn't waste anytime. We drove off to the location that she gave me. I informed  Sir Barnie and the other search team about the abandoned police station.

When we got to the location, there were two cars parked outside. I looked closer and saw Crystal seated outside, holding her stomach. I jumped out of the car and ran to her. She was shot. On the stomach. I couldn't believe it.

We got into the ambulance and I kept on assuring her that everything was going to be okay. They sedated her.

When we arrived at the hospital, she was taken to the emergency room. I couldn't help but blame myself for leaving her alone in that house.

Sir Barnie and Pearla arrived at the hospital. Giovanni and Christine arrived minutes later. Pearla told Christine that she was her daughter but Christine refused to listen to her. She told her to call her parents and confirm if they had bought her from a woman called Natalie and she did. Her parents told her that she wasn't their biological daughter. They couldn't have kids so they opted to buy one.

Christine still didn't believe it, she wanted to have a DNA test done on the four of them. Sir Barnie, Pearla, Crystal and her. They all agreed to it but Crystal was still in the Emergency room.  They decided to wait for her to get better and they would then take the test.

Hours later, the doctor walked out of the Emergency room. "Family of Crystal Danford?" We all stood up and walked over to where the doctor was standing. "She is out if danger. We managed to stabilize her. Lucky for her the bullet only grazed her left side of the stomach so the babies are not injured. She didn't loose a lot of blood. We stitched her and she is going to be moved to the recovery room any minute now. You can go and see her."  That was really relieving.

After the nurses were done setting her on the bed, we all got in. " I can see that I was missed." She joked.

I couldn't believe how she can easily joke when she is lying on the hospital bed. We all went closer to her and hugged her. When we sat down on the chairs that were in the room, Ares entered. She was worried sick. She hugged her tightly and didn't want to let go.

"And who are those two? And why does she look exactly like Crystal?" Ares asked. Crystal hadn't noticed Pearla and Christine.

"The man who was kidnapped me, his name was Zagan. He said something about being my uncle. He also said that I was bought by my parents." Crystal said. She looked worried.

Sir Barnie walked to Crystal's bed and sat on it. He held her hand. "We have something to tell you." Sir Barnie explained everything to her and she took it quite well. Better than we all expected. She also accepted to get the DNA test done. 

Natalie was arrested at the airport. She was on her way here to get Pearla but we were way ahead of her. Lewis was also arrested. He disappointed everyone including his parents. And you could never believe what he did. He faked all the documents.

Crystal was supposed to take the inheritance immediately when she got to the age of 25. So he wanted to transfer some of the properties to his private account but he had to buy time. That's why he came up with a plan of making Crystal work in a club. That guy is insane. Zagan or whatever his name is, was arrested but he killed himself because Scarlet didn't want to be with him. That was also insane.

The story is, Scarlet started to see Zagan at the club. They started talking and he fell for her. He told her the plans he had and what he wanted to do to Crystal. Zagan had no idea that Scarlet knew who Crystal was. Scarlet saw him differently. He saw how obsessed he was with her and how dangerous he could be when he didn't want what he got. Before he took Crystal to the abandoned police station, he called her and he managed to convince him to tell her his location. After Zagan was arrested, Scarlet went to visit him. She told him that she was engaged and was going to get married so he shouldn't have any hopes of having her. Zagan couldn't take it so he hanged himself in his sell.

So many things have happened and the year hasn't even ended.

Two days later, Crystal was discharged from the hospital and  the DNA test results were already out. When they found out that they were all related, they didn't know how to react to that. But they all accepted each other in their lives. I was happy for them.

I know you are going to ask what about me? Well I had a heart to heart with Crystal and she made it clear to me that right now all she wants to do is heal and take care of her kids. It hurt me but I understood what she meant. It's important for her to heal from everything she has been through.

So today I am moving back to Italy. Crystal had moved in with her sister so that she can help her out with everything.  They were all here at the airport biding me goodbye. I promised them that I was going to come and visit them every now and then. I am opening a branch here and Giovanni is going to be in charge of it since he doesn't want to be away from Christine.

                 ~The End~

Thank you for reading this chapter ❤️

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