Chapter 30 [CONFLICTED]

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I finally have a little bit of hope in my heart. I walked out of Ares' office. It felt really good to talk to someone about everything that happened to me. Now, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel lighter. But I haven't told her that I am pregnant. I didn't know what she was going to say.

I didn't want to tell her that I didn't want to have the child. What would she have thought of me? We had made promises to each other that we would name our kids Star and Moon. And she fulfilled her promise and I am yet to fulfill mine.

I walked in to the dinning hall and I spotted Savannah seated alone at our usual place. After I was served my food, I went and sat with her. She looked quite disturbed and shaken up a little.

"Hey Sav, are you okay?" She didn't answer. She poked her food on her plate with a plastic fork and she was looking at it. "Sav?.... Sav?....Savannah?..... Savannah?" I shouted a little bit louder and tapped her shoulder that's when she jolted up screaming. "Why the fuck would you scare me like that Crystal?" She sounded so frightened.

"I called your name a thousand times but you didn't answer me. What's wrong?" She looked at her plate for a minute. It was like she was thinking of whether to tell me or not. "Nothing, just remembered a couple of sad  memories" I nodded my head but I didn't believe her.

"Do you remember the girl who asked to talk to me in private?" I asked her she looked shocked the minute I mentioned that to her.

She quickly composed herself. Then she nodded.

"Do you remember her name?" She quickly placed food in her mouth. She looked at me and chewed nervously. I lifted my eyebrows up and she nodded.

"Tell me her name" she swallowed the food "Daisy Bennett".

Her name sounded so familiar. "She's the second child of our governor. David Bennett. She was framed by the man she was supposed to get married to and sent to prison just like me. I mean our cases are similar. I need to talk to her." I said and Savannahs eyes were wide open.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I looked at her awkwardly.

"sure about what?" She was shocked. I don't know what she's hiding but I bet that it's not good.

"About everything you said" I eyed her suspiciously.

"Yeah, I have seen her at one of the charity events I went to with my mom, she obviously disguised herself with the chunky round glasses and shaggy curly hair" she got up and pushed her plate aside.

"We'll talk later Crystal, I have to make a call". But calling hours are over so where is she going? I asked myself.

As we were walking back to the cell, I asked some people where she was but no one wanted to talk about it. They just stared at me like I didn't know they were saying.

"They say that she died trying to escape prison but we all know that isn't true. And before I forget, be careful with who you trust Crystal."

A girl with brunette hair said boldly and walked away. This is the second time someone warned me about Savannah. What am I missing here?

When my name was called, I walked into my cell. I sat on my bed and tried to place my head as to why someone would warn me about her. I tried placing Savannah's reaction when I talked about Daisy Bennett. She looked scared. She was definitely hiding something. Something big.

I had almost forgotten about my appointment with a certain woman in the cells tomorrow at noon. She is the one who performs abortions in this prison. I don't even know her name. But from what I was told, she was a midwife and she's been doing this almost all her life. The question is, am I really going to do this?

Is getting an abortion what I really want? I thought for a minute. But what if the kid turns out to be like it's father if it is a boy. And what if she ends up being a girl and suffers in the hands of a man like her father the way I did? What if I'll end up being a terrible mother. What if I end up making life miserable for the kid because I hated it's father? And let's not forget the dangers of having an abortion.

What if I die in the process? What if my womb gets damaged and I can't bare children anymore. Oh God, I am so conflicted. I don't know what to do. I don't really know what to follow. My heart or my mind. I don't know which one is right. I placed my palms on my tummy and I tried to fill it. When I was in college, I wanted to have a child. It felt very special to carry a child in your tummy for nine months. To me, it was an honor. To be able to bring life into the world, felt like such an honor.

Now, I have been given that opportunity but it doesn't feel like it's an honor anymore. It feels like I have been trapped by something inside me and getting rid of it sounds reasonable but it also feels wrong. I need to get rid of the guilt in my heart if I want to go through with the abortion. I turned around and faced the wall. I took a deep breath in and held it in for a few seconds and then I exhaled. I allowed myself to fall asleep.


Thank y'all for reading this chapter

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