Chapter 17 [PREGNANT]

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                              XAVIER'S P.O.V.

Am I dead?. That was the first question I asked myself. Am I in hell. I know that I am a bad person so hell is where I'll definitely end up. I decided to try and open my eyes so that I can get to see  how hell looks like. I opened my eyes and I couldn't see anything. It was dark, really really dark. I felt like someone was sleeping on my bed, next to me, so I moved my hand with so much force and pushed the person. The person fell with a thud and then a loud scream followed. The scream sounded like it was a girl's.

"Son of a bitch. What the fuck is wrong with you Psychopath. Why did you push me? What if I could've broken a leg or an arm?" So it was Veronica who was sleeping next to me.

"I could've thrown a massive ball if you had died instead!" I said.

" Well you can't get rid of me yet. You'll have to get used to seeing your wife  more often." I didn't have time to answer her because I suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of my head, it started getting worse by the minute.

"What's happening? Why does my head hurt so bad?" I asked Veronica.

"Let me get the painkillers, I'll tell you what happened later" she rushed out of the room and came back with some medicines and a glass of water. She handed me pills and the glass of water. I immediately threw the pills inside my mouth and drank the water.

I got out of bed and started pacing around the room waiting for it to stop. "Will you sit down, your making me dizzy" Veronica complained.

"shut up bitch" that was my only response. After some minutes, I could feel the pain slowly going down. I sat at the edge of the bed trying to remember what happened yesterday but I had nothing. My mind was blank.

"Well start talking" I told her.

"Yesterday you went nuts, we were outside the AG'S office when all of a sudden you started screaming and then you fainted. You fell down so hard and your head hit a stone. The ambulance came but I knew that you hated hospitals and since it wasn't serious they brought you home." And then I remembered seeing him. He was there, or was I just imagining things. But why didn't he shoot me. I saw him pulling the trigger. Or did I ??

                      CRYSTAL'S P.O.V.

    The doctor said that I was okay now and I could be discharged from the hospital. I haven't eaten anything for three days now and tomorrow is the first hearing in court. The police cuffed me and took me into their car. We drove back to the station. When we arrived at the station, I was thrown back into the cell. I could see that I had some company. Three girls were in the cell with me. They looked like trouble. I sat down far away from them. I started crying silently while holding my tummy. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant. Pregnant for a man who framed me and got me arrested, he cheated on me every chance he got. He could hit me when he was drunk, sometimes it got worse and I'd end up in the hospital for a week. I held my knees and continued to cry.

  "Crystal Danford? Someone's here to see you"  a cop said while opening the cell.

I followed her to the front desk. "Sir Barnie, thank you for coming to see me" I said while shaking his hand.

"You don't have to thank me Crystie, I'm here for you. How are you holding up, they told me that you were taken to the hospital, did they tell you what was wrong?" He asked with so much concern.

"I'm pregnant Sir Barnie" I told him.

" Is it Xavier's?" I nodded.

He looked down and then  said, " how do you feel about it?" He asked and I could see how worried he was.

" I don't want it. He raped me, he framed me and now I am in a cell, he hit me every single day, I don't want to have anything that reminds me of him. As soon as I get out of here, I'm getting an abortion" I  didn't realize the tears coming from my eyes until I saw them falling on the desk. He held my hand and comforted me.

"You are not in the right frame of mind to make such a huge decision. The child you have is innocent, don't deny him or her the opportunity to experience life simply because the father wronged you, you have to be strong Crystie, tomorrow you have to face him in the court room, and I need you to be strong. You can't let him see that what he's doing to you is affecting you. I'll do everything possible to get you out of here. "  He said. I just nodded in approval.

We were told that our time was over. I was taken back to the cell.
When I sat down, one the girls in the cell approached me. She sat next to me. "Hey, you know he was right, the child you have has nothing to do with this. I can't say that I understand what you are going through, but what I can tell you is that, you don't have to give him the satisfaction of seeing you like this. You have to be strong. Right now, you ain't living for yourself, someone else is depending on you." She said but that shit talk wasn't going to make me change my mind.

I don't want this thing  inside me. I know that every time I look at it, I'll be reminded of Xavier and all the awful things he did to me.  This thing is a mistake. But of course I wasn't going to tell her that. I just nodded in response. "My name is Melissa by the way" she said. "Am Crystal" I told her and she responded by just nodding. I wanted to ask her what she was doing here but something told me not to. We sat there in silence.

Thank y'all for reading this chapter. Tell me what you think about it in the comments.

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