~Chapter Two~

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I looked at myself in the mirror one more time. I cannot believe this is happening right now. A knock on the door took me out of my thoughts.

"Isabelle, we gotta go," he said calmly. 

I grabbed my balaclava and helmet then opened the door, following Zak back to the garage.

"What happened to Lando?" I curiously asked. Obviously something bad enough that he couldn't race today.

"I'll explain after the race, but just know that you'll be racing this weekend. Qualifying, race day, everything"

I looked at him with a complete look of shock on my face. "Are you serious?" I almost squealed out of excitement.

"Yes" he let out a chuckle. "We'll talk about it after the race. But get out there, try your best, it's just the first practice. Listen to Will and we'll debrief afterwards"

I nodded and headed over to Lando's team, who I'd be working with this weekend. I was a little worried about Lando. Why couldn't he race? But Zak was right, I needed to focus on this race right now. Lando later.

I got into the car, feeling a bit unsettled but incredibly excited. It wasn't the fact that I was sitting in the car, it was the fact that I was getting to race. Against Lewis, against Max, Charles, Carlos...oh my god I was so excited. This could be one of my only chances to show the teams what I can do, and hope for a drivers position for the next season. But who am I kidding, it's incredibly hard for a girl to be in that position.

When everything was ready, I was able to leave the garage following after Daniel. I pulled out and warmed up the tires a bit.

"Alright Isabelle, radio check please" Will said over the headset.

"Loud and clear" I responded.

"Ok Isabelle, I know you'll be feeling a bit nervous right now but try to keep a hold on those. This is the first practice. Take this time to get used to the car and warm the tires up. Practice over takes, just don't feel overwhelmed with anything. You got this"

"Thanks Will. I'll try my best" I stated.

I took a deep breath. Ok Isabelle, you got this. It's time to show them what you can do.

After the race

I pulled back into the garage and got myself out of the car, taking my helmet and balaclava off. There was so much adrenaline rushing through my veins right now. The coffee I had beforehand probably isn't helping.

Zak walked over to me and gave me a hug, patting my back. This man hugs so tightly.

"You did great today Isabelle, I can't wait to see what you pull off in qualifying tomorrow. Don't forget the second practice is this afternoon," he smiled then walked away.

Daniel pulled into the garage a couple minutes after me, and once he got out of the car he walked over to me and gave me a fist bump. "That was insane," he laughed. "You literally rocked it out there and it was only a practice"

"Thanks" I laughed. "I'm so excited to race this weekend"

"Wait, you're racing this weekend? Where's Lando?" Daniel asked, a look of worry spread across his face.

"I'm not sure" I slightly shrugged. "I tried asking Zak about it when he told me I was racing, but he told me we'd talk about it afterwards"

"Something's obviously happened. Lando would never miss a race. That kid lives and breaths racing. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him today" Daniel said, looking around to see if he was in the garage anywhere. Suddenly he started laughing. "You've got to be kidding me"

I turned around facing the direction that he was looking in. I couldn't believe my eyes. Lando had a boot on his left foot with crutches under his arms. I couldn't contain my laughter. "Oh my god"

"What did this muppet do now?" Daniel questioned, still laughing. We both headed over to where Lando was talking to Zak.

"Will it hurt if I kick it?" I asked.

Lando turned to me, glaring directly at me, his eyes looking straight into my soul. "Ha ha. So funny"

"What did you even do?" Daniel asked, folding his arms.

"I was out playing golf yesterday with some mates and tripped in a pot hole, breaking my ankle" he rolled his eyes.

I put my hand over my face to muffle the snort that just came out.

"Ok, that's enough," Zak joined the conversation. "Isabelle, this means you'll be racing for a few weeks. This is going to become a thing that the press will take up as soon as they hear about it. Be prepared for all those questions, it could get nasty"

I nodded along, slowly taking in all this information he was telling me. Was I prepared to race in f1 for a few weeks? Who am I kidding, I was born ready. Plus, I wouldn't be here if they didn't think I was capable.

"You better do good. But you obviously won't do better than me" Lando sneered and started to walk away.

Sometimes I like to think about how different the situation between Lando and I would be if we were actually friends. He is a nice bloke and everything, just not to me. We don't get along. That's how things have always been.

"Oh, and one more thing Isabelle, Lando you need to hear this too" Zak said, gaining both of our attention. "Isabelle, your training sessions are going to become a lot more tough. I would also like you to work with Lando on strategies to improve your race and get the best outcome possible"

My eyes widened. Work with Lando. Now way. "You've got to be kidding me" Lando and I said in unison.

Daniel let out a loud chuckle. "Oh, this is gonna be good"


                                 ☆ ゜・ 。。・ ゜゜・ 。。・ ゜★

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