~Chapter Five~

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Lando's POV

I never thought that I wouldn't race. Maybe for a week at most, but I'm going to be out for over a month. It's the triple race week and I'm missing it. I've never felt more gutted. I've never felt so confused with what I'm meant to do.

I've been told to just sit back and relax but that's a bit hard when my whole life is racing and that's one of the things I've been told I can't do. Training sessions are going to be different, my life is going to be different. I can't help but think the worst about this situation. What's it going to do to my career in formula one?

Isabelle is doing way better out there than I thought she would, but she doesn't need to know my thoughts on that. It would only boost her ego. She's always been a great driver. It was disappointing for her that she didn't quite make it into formula one, but a reserve/test driver is better than nothing in this industry. She's definitely closer to a seat than others who are in formula two.

I was currently trying to get my boot through my pant leg. It wasn't working. It wasn't until the front part of my boot was a good way down the pant leg that I realised that it wasn't going to fit and I was stuck. I tried to stand up on one leg and thought that maybe that would work. It didn't. I ended up falling to the floor with a massive thud. Great, just great.

I rolled over, pushing myself up and leaned against the end of the bed. Guess I'm not going out tonight.

Suddenly there was a soft knock on the door. My heart rate picked up. I started to panic hoping that no one was going to see me like this.

"Lando, it's Isabelle. You ok?" the voice on the other side of the door said.

I let out a groan and rolled my eyes. Of course out of all of the people that could've knocked on my door, it had to be her.

"I'm fine" I managed to say. I tried to pull my foot out of the pant leg again. I must've pushed the wrong part of the boot, because it dug into my ankle and I let out a little yelp.

"I'm coming in Lando" she said and I heard the door opening. I let out a sigh. I did not want her seeing me like this.

The door opened fully and she walked in and saw me sitting on the floor, with my pants halfway down my legs and my boot stuck in one of the pant legs. It took her a few seconds to process what was going on, but when she did she cracked up laughing. Tears started to form in her eyes and she clutched her stomach as she continued laughing.

She finally slowed down her laughter and wiped her eyes. "What the hell were you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Were you really trying to put your boot through your pant leg?" she questioned.

"It normally goes through my shorts easily," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Well obviously those are wider than these" she said, coming closer to me. She was wearing a slim fitting black dress, that showed all her bodies curves. Her hair was clipped up with a purple butterfly clip and her makeup was simple. I could tell that she was trying not to laugh again. I could see that she was holding it back with every part of her.

"Can you just help me get unstuck please?" I finally made eye contact with her, looking defeated. I would have rather anyone walk through that door to help me in this situation, but of course it was Isabelle. The person who's never going to let me live this down. 

"Of course," she smiled. "I just gotta do one thing first." She walked out of my room and I heard her hotel room door opening. What is she doing? A couple seconds later she walked back into my room, closing the door behind her so that no one would see me like this. She then pulled out her phone and took a photo of me.

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