~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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Lando's POV

Ava and I were in our hotel room packing our bags before we headed back home to rest there for a couple days. It was really silent and awkward. Ever since she told me 'we should talk', I've been really nervous. I'm just waiting patiently for her to bring things up.

Ava was really calm and was acting like her normal self, but she was quiet. Ava is never quiet. When she's quiet, you know that there's something going on.

She threw one of her shirts into her suitcase then made her way over to the bathroom to collect her things that were in there.

I let out a small breath and stared at the wall in front of me. I know she's mad. Wait, is she even mad? I can't tell. She's so calm and that's scary. I know I've screwed up but I just want to her to talk to me about this.

Ava walked back out of the bathroom with a few things in her hands and placed them on the bed, slowly starting to put them in her suitcase. She started humming a little song as she zipped up her toiletries bag and placed it into her suitcase.

Ok, now she's scaring me even more.

She closed the top on her suitcase and began to zip it up, before thinking about something for a second and unzipping it. She dug through the bag looking for something specific, before pulling out one of my shirts. The one that she's been wearing to bed the past couple nights. She told me this one is her favourite.

"Here" she said, placing it in my suitcase for me. "I don't think it's right for me to have it anymore"

I didn't really know what to say. I had a feeling where things were going to lead very shortly. I think I'm going to be a single man in less than an hour.

I gave her a small apologetic smile and placed my last few things in the suitcase before zipping it up and placing it near the front door with everything else, ready for us to leave in around an hour.

Ava walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and I went and sat on the bed, scrolling through instagram. I saw a few photos that people had posted from last night and I liked some of them. There were a dew photos in my tags of last night and the photos i took with fans who were outside before the party started.

I noticed that a few photos of Isabelle were in my tags too. Most of them were from last night. This one photo really caught my eye. She was standing out the front, and she turned around slightly and wasn't even planning on having a photo taken. But someone snapped the photo at the right time and the photo turned out amazing.

I double tapped on the post and a small red heart came up in the middle of it. My eyes widened when I realised what I had done. It's a bit weird for me to like a photo like that when the caption was literally 'Isabelle looked so hot last night'. I'm not even in the photo. This is bad. I hope they haven't seen it. I quickly unliked the photo and exited out of the instagram app before I could do anything else.

"Lando" Ava cleared her throat.

I looked up and saw her leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom. Her face had a small look of disappointment on it. She didn't seem mad anymore. Well, she didn't look like she was mad at me anymore. I let out a small sigh. "You want to talk...?"

"I think that would be best" she responded with a slight nod.

I moved over slightly on the bed and patted the space next to me, indicating for her to come sit next to me. She did just that. She walked away from the doorframe and sat on the bed, facing me.

Ava let out a small sigh and looked me in the eyes. "Lando, you know that I appreciate and care for you massively, and nothing will change that. But I feel like the way that I feel for you, isn't reciprocated"

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