~Chapter Forty Eight~

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Practice day. 

We have two practice sessions today in Bahrain. I'm looking forward to finally getting out there in the car and getting a feel for the track.

As I was getting myself ready for the first practice of the weekend, I could hear my phone ringing. I quickly put on my fireproof gear and picked up the phone before the call ended.

"Hey Nat" I smiled when I saw her face appear on the screen.

"Hello to my favourite formula one driver" she responded.

"Oh shut up, you'll make me blush" I teased.

Natalie laughed. "How are you feeling about today?"

"Alright actually" I told her. "It's just the first practice, so I'll try my best but I'm mainly going to focus on getting a feel for the track and getting myself comfortable with the car too"

"You're going to do great this weekend, I can just feel it," she said with a smile.

I picked up my race suit, and stepped into the legs and made sure it was on properly before letting the top part hang down. "I'm just going to try my best this weekend and hope for the best outcome I'm capable of"

"You're capable of winning this thing" she said, trying to encourage me.

"I wish!" I scoffed. "Maybe one day, but not this year sadly"

I grabbed my hair tie and quickly tied my hair into a loose messy plait, just making sure that it was out of the way. There was a knock at the door and I hummed in response, letting them know they could come in.

"You look hot," Pierre smirked when he opened the door.

"Is that Pierre?" Natalie asked, intrigued.

"It is I, Pierre Gasly, the most sexy man in the world" Pierre said in a weird accent.

"Hi Pierre!!" Natalie said a little louder.

Pierre walked further into the room, over to my phone which was leaning against the window.

"Hi Natalie" he waved awkwardly at the phone, causing my to laugh slightly. "You ready?" he asked, turning towards me.

"Yes" I said, letting out a breath.

Pierre stood in front of me and put his hands on my shoulder. "It'll be ok, I promise. And just think, today is just practice. It's going to be chill, and the team will use today's information to make me feel more comfortable and stronger going into quali and the race"

"Mhm" I nodded. "I can do this"

"You've got this," he smiled.

"Aww, that was adorable" Natalie said, causing me to jump slightly. 

"Kind of forgot you were there" I said, walking over to my phone and picking it up.

Natalie scoffed. "Glad I'm so forgettable"

"Yes. Yes you are" I agreed, but she knew I was kidding.

"I'll be watching!! You've got this, remember to breathe" she reassured me.

"Thanks Nat. I'll call you afterwards"

"Bye Iz" she said, and I hung up and put my phone down on the table.

"Let's go," Pierre said. I picked up my helmet and water bottle from the table and Pierre and I made our way to the garage.

Practice was starting in about 5 minutes, so things were starting to happen in the area. We walked into the garage, and over to our sides of the garage. Pierre was on the left and I was on the right.

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