~Chapter Eleven~

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Isabelle's POV

"And I just beat your time" I smiled proudly, once crossing the finish line.

"That doesn't mean anything. I just had one mishap and you were able to beat me. Plus, I have a disadvantage, I have one foot" Lando replied, not happy that I'd beaten him.

"Fine" I hopped out of the seat. "Go ahead. Go and beat my magnificent time"

"I will" he said confidently and got into the seat.

We were currently streaming on twitch. We were on his driving simulator and taking turns to see who could get the better time.

"Watch and learn" he continued and cracked his knuckles before starting the game again.

While he was doing that I decided to sit there and read the comments. "Ha! Lexi said that I'm the better driver" I laughed. "Most of your chat does"

"Do not distract me Isabelle. I'm going to beat your score" he said, not taking his eyes off the screen in front of him.

"Ok ok fine" I put my hands up in defence. "You're not going to beat it anyway"

"Oh yes I will" he replied and I smiled, shaking my head.

"What's it like driving in formula one?" I read out one of the questions. "It's amazing. Nothing compares to the thrill that takes place out there"

"I can't wait to get back out there," Lando interrupted.

"I bet you can't," I smiled softly, knowing that my time this season was almost up. It's almost time for the summer break and I haven't received an offer to race next season. I was kind of losing hope at this rate.

"NO!!" Lando yelled. "I missed your score by 2 seconds"

"I'm the champion" I stood up and bowed. "Where's my champagne, surely I made the podium"

"Yeah yeah" he said, a little annoyed at himself, but there was a smile creeping onto his face. This guy can't stay serious for more than a minute.

"Do you have a seat for next year?" I read from the comments. Lots of people had been asking this. "Sadly not as of yet. Never give up hope though. But Lando's signed with McLaren for another few years"

"You'll still be the reserve driver for McLaren though if nothing gets offered" Lando reassured me.

"Yeah I know. That's something I can definitely count on" I smiled. "I'm just gonna run downstairs and grab a drink, I'll be back. Want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good thanks" he answered.

I walked out of the room and downstairs to see Max and Natalie. "How's it going?" she asked.

"Yeah pretty good. Lando's trying to beat my score on the simulator but it's not working" I replied, placing my phone on the counter and grabbing a water bottle, taking a sip.

"Sounds like you guys are having fun up there though" Max said.

"Yeah, streaming is fun. I feel like I should invest in some equipment for it and start my own twitch channel" I said, taking another sip of my water.

"That actually sounds like a great idea," I nodded. "I'm going back upstairs, we should be finished soon"

"Have fun, but not too much fun" Natalie said with a small smirk, I could hear Max laughing as well. What is up with these two?

I walked back up the stairs and into the streaming room. I walked in and saw Lando pouring his drink into his shoe and drinking it.

"That is disgusting" he said, scrunching up his nose and shaking his face out of disgust.

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