~Chapter Thirty One~

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We have a pretty chill day in Brazil today. Media day is tomorrow, but nothing serious is planned. Next week we will travel to Australia. I'm excited to go home but I have to face my mum at some point.

Daniel, Lando and I were all sitting in a room together having a debrief for the week ahead. Lando and Daniel were talking about what they want to try with the car this weekend and hopes for the weekend. I'm simply here in case anything goes wrong with one of the drivers and they want me to fill in for them and try these things out.

My phone buzzed on the table and I picked it up to see a message from Pierre. I couldn't help but smile.

Pierre: You look bored

Isabelle: What?

Pierre: You're on your phone in a meeting.

Naughty naughty

I furrowed my eyebrows and scanned the area around me, we were sitting in the hospitality area in McLaren. I saw Pierre standing outside and he had a goofy smile on his face.

Isabelle: What are you doing?

Pierre: I'm hungry

Isabelle: And how am I meant to help with that?

Pierre: Well I mean...

Isabelle: PIERRE!!

Pierre: I'm kidding, I'm kidding

Isabelle: Are you really?

Pierre: Well I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad...

Isabelle: Oh my god

Pierre: Anyway, wanna come get lunch with me?

Isabelle: You really think I'm going to go get

lunch with you after that comment?

Pierre: Yes :)

Isabelle: Fine. You're lucky I'm hungry

Pierre: Hungry for what ;)

Isabelle: I hate you

Pierre: I know you love me

"What are you laughing at?" Daniel questioned.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I cleared my throat and put my phone back on the table. "Nothing"

"You're bright red," Lando stated.

"Oooo, is it a boy?" Daniel teased with a smirk.

Lando looked me in the eyes and I looked away. "Doesn't matter. Are we almost done, I-" I cut myself off because I couldn't say the word 'hungry' without thinking about Pierre said. "I'd like to go have lunch"

Lando and Daniel looked at the team that was standing in front of us and they nodded. "We'll see you guys back here tomorrow morning" one of them said and we nodded.

"Hey Isabelle, can I join you for lunch?" Lando questioned.

"Sorry, I already have plans," I answered. "Avas here though isn't she? Go have lunch with her"

Ava was here this weekend. According to Lando she insisted on coming because it was Brazil. I've heard some rumours she might be here for the Australian Grand Prix next week, but I'm not too sure. I've just decided to keep my distance from them.

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