~Chapter Thirty Four~

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Natalie and I were walking side by side towards the venue that we were going to. Basically every driver and their teams were going to be here tonight. That's a lot of people.

"How are you feeling about tonight?" Natalie asked me.

"I'm excited to see everyone in a different element" I answered. "I've only seen everyone being really serious, now I get to see everyone loosen up"

"I'm just excited to have fun," Natalie smiled.

"Are you drinking?" I questioned.

"Maybe a little," she nodded. "But I can't have too much, I need to make sure you're ok"

"I'm not going to get hammered," I reminded her.

"I'm just saying" she put her hands up in defence. 

We made it to the entrance of the venue, showed the guard our ID. We then walked inside and headed towards a free table where Pierre and a few others were sitting.

"Pierre looks really good," Natalie smirked. "And when I say really good, I mean really good"

Pierre was wearing a white button up shirt with the top few buttons undone, along with a pair of dark blue pants.

I gave her a small smile and didn't say anything as we headed over.

Pierre was sitting with Charles and Charlotte, and Charlotte waved when she saw us, causing Pierre to look over in our direction.

His head turned around and his eyes met mine. He stood up and headed over towards me, stretching his arms out when he got closer. I did the same thing and wrapped my arms around him and his arms wrapped around my body. His cologne was stronger than normal but it was really nice. It was warm and comforting.

"You look great" he said softly when he pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you," I replied. "You don't look too bad yourself"

"I try," he smirked.

"This is why I don't give you compliments" I laughed as we headed over to the table. 

"You girls look stunning" Charlotte smiled, giving me and Natalie a quick hug before sitting down.

"Charlotte, that dress literally looks amazing on you" I said, complimenting her.

"Oh my god, where did you get that dress?" Natalie asked, investing herself into a conversation with Charlotte.

"You do look really pretty tonight," Pierre said next to me.

"Really huh?" I smirked. "I try my best"

"Touche," he laughed. "Do you want a drink?"

"That would be amazing," I smiled.

"Ok, I'll be back in a minute" he said getting up from the table over to the bar area.

Natalie was talking to Charlotte, and Charles was talking to one of the Ferrari team members who was next to him, so I sat there patiently on my phone waiting for Pierre to come back with my first drink of the night.

"Hey girlie" I heard a girl say from beside me.

I turned to see it was Ava.

"Oh my god Ava, you look great" I smiled when I saw her. She was wearing a really nice yellow dress that suited her very well.

"Thank you" she nodded. "But you look even better. You look incredibly hot tonight"

"Thanks" I laughed softly.

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