~Chapter Twelve~

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"Are you going to tell them today?" Natalie asked, grabbing something to eat from my pantry. She was staying with me until the end of the Hungary Grand Prix, then I was flying out to Australia for the break. We were currently still in England, but we were flying out to Budapest tomorrow.

"I don't know..." I shrugged.

"Why don't you want to tell them? You keep saying that you and Lando aren't friends, but we all know that's a lie" she stated. "You guys have hung out every couple days since I've been here"

I looked up at her and then back down to the food that was in front of me. I'd been going round to Lando and Max's place every couple days to train. We would always end up streaming on his twitch afterwards and Natalie hung out with Max.

"I don't know,' I shrugged. "Maybe it's better to wait until everything is finalised, then it might be more exciting"

"You should've told them the night that you found out. It's been a week since then Izzy, you can't keep it from them" Natalie said, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"I was going to tell them!" I informed her. "But then...I don't know. I chose not to"

"You're scared it's going to hurt him," she said softly.

"What?" I questioned, my eyes connecting with hers. "What are you talking about?"

"You care way more for that 'asshole' than you do about some others" she shrugged, shoving food in her mouth.

"You're being ridiculous. Lando and I are just starting to get along. I don't know what you're seeing" I looked away from her, picking up my phone.

"Everyone knows you're lying," she responded.

"I am not!! What is so hard to believe about this? Can we not be friends?" I questioned, getting a little frustrated.

"There's nothing wrong with being friends Izzy, but the more you hide what everyone can clearly see, the bigger the chance you miss the opportunity." She gave me a soft smile.

I let out a breath. "You're digging way too far into this then"

"Ok, fine" she cleared her throat. "Then why did you invite him to come round to watch a movie tonight?"

"I invited both of them" I put my hands up in defence.

"You literally asked me if I was ok with Lando coming round to watch a movie tonight and I had to ask you if Max was coming" she looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Well they're both coming round to watch a movie with us aren't they? I don't see what the problem is" I shrugged, picking up more of the food that was in front of me.

Natalie laughed. "You're unbelievable at times. Incredibly stubborn"

"It's my best quality" I gave her a fake smile.

Natalie's phone dinged. "Max is here. You've gotta tell them now. Or I will"

I quickly got up from the couch and walked to the front door, unlocking it and opening it to see Max standing there in a pair of shorts and a quadrant hoodie.

"Hey" I smiled, letting him in. "Where's Lando?"

"He's on his way. He was at a doctors appointment for his ankle" Max informed us and sat down on the couch next to Natalie. I shut the door and locked it again.

When I sat back down on the couch I could feel Natalie glaring at me. "Tell him" she mouthed.

I sighed and cleared my throat. "Um Max, I have something I need to tell you"

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