~Chapter Thirty Six~

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My body started waking up and my eyes were sore and groggy. I opened my eyes and when the light hit them I shut them almost immediately, squinting to get rid of the pain. My head was pounding and I felt nauseous. Being hungover is the worst possible feeling. Everytime I drink too much I wake up the next morning with the worst headache possible and the never ending feeling of possibly throwing up. It's always a mystery to me whether or not I'll be sick or not, but most of the time I'm alright.

I tried extremely hard to get back to sleep but my headache was extremely bad. I'm so mad at myself last night for drinking so much.

I drank so much that I don't even know what happened. But that's normal too. I like to drink to forget most events that happen.

I let out a small breath and then felt a movement beside me. At first I thought it was Natalie because we were in a hotel room. It wasn't until I heard a male groan that my eyes opened wide and I panicked.

Who the hell is beside me?

I was in panic mode. I don't know whose next to me or whose room I'm in.

At first, I pulled the covers away from my body to see what I was wearing, or if I was wearing anything at all. I closed my eyes and scrunched up my face when I realised that I was wearing nothing. Completely nothing.

Great. I've slept with someone. Or I was out drunk last night and somehow got into someone's room naked. The first option sounds more reasonable.

But who did I sleep with?

My head was still sore and my eyesight was kind of blurry, but I started looking at my surroundings.

Everything was exactly the same as mine and Natalie's room, but I knew that it wasn't because it was way cleaner than ours. All his clothes were packed around his suitcase and his shoes were sitting in pairs against the wall.

I noticed that my pyjamas were sitting on the floor. I mentally slapped myself for coming round here in those clothes. They had a small cat on the front of the shirt, and the pants were covered in little cat faces. Anything but those. Why not come round here in the dress I wore last night? Why did I take the time to get changed and then come round here?

I heard another small groan and a content sigh from beside me. I think he rolled over because I could feel a lot of movement from the side of the bed he was on. He pulled the covers over with him and half my body was left out in the cold air.

I may have a bad headache and not know who's behind me, but I will not let him have all the covers. So I grabbed onto the cover and yanked it over towards me so that I was now fully covered.

"Heyyyy" the guy said in a groggy morning voice, pulling them back towards him.

"Stop" I whined, pulling it back towards me again.

"No..." he groaned, pulling it again.

"Fuck off" I said, yanking it back towards me so I was on the edge of the bed with the whole cover wrapped around me.

"You've asked for it" he said, and I could feel him turning over in bed. "Oh shit"

I recognised the voice and let out a sigh. I did not. I did not do this.



I let out a sigh and turned around. "What the hell happened?"

Pierre let out a small laughed. "I've got no clue, except from the obvious"

I shook my head and laughed. "I'm going to be honest, I don't even remember"

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