~Chapter Nine~

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Isabelle's POV

I was going to go home to Australia this week because we have it off, but I thought it would be better to go back to England to do some more training with Jon.

I live in England, because it's easier to get to work compared to being in a country on the other side of the world. But I got to Australia to see my family as much as I possibly can.

Lando's been in the boot for about 3 weeks now, meaning that he'll be out of it in a few weeks. I only have a few more weeks to make a good impression on the other teams. 

I was sitting in my living room watching TV when I heard my phone ding. I picked it up and saw a message from Jon.

Jon: Training today in an hour. I'll send through the address and I'll meet you there


Isabelle: Thanks, I'll meet you there

I put the address into my google maps to see how long it would take me to get there and it was about 30 minutes. I turned the TV off and dragged myself towards the shower to get myself ready for this training session.

* ✷ ⊹ * ˚

"I'm really sad you didn't come to Australia during this break" Natalie said over the phone. I was on my way to my training session with Jon, and had her on the bluetooth attached to my car.

"I'm sorry Nat" I sighed. "I really wanted to come over there and see you and my family, but I really want to be in the best shape possible for the Silverstone race next week"

"I get that, I just really miss you. It's hard not seeing your best friend when she lives in a complete different country from you and she also travels the world"

"Don't worry, I'll be in Australia before you know it. Lando should be back in action after the summer break anyway. So that'll mean I only have two races left" I assured her. 

"You better be home then. But it's ok, you've been racing really well. P7 in Austraia was great. Your family has been so excited watching you out on the track" she told me.

"Have you been going to see my family?" I asked.

"Yep" she said, popping the P. "My family goes over to your family's house to watch the races every week. You're dad would be so proud of you"

"I know," I smiled. "I wish he was here to see this"

"I'm sure that he's watching down on you every day"

I sighed with a small, content smile on my face. "Yeah..."

"Anyway, where are you currently off to? I can tell that you're in the car because normally you would facetime me" Natalia asked.

"I'm going to do some training with Jon,  but I don't really know where. He just gave me the address and told me to meet him there in an hour" I pulled up at a red light and took in my surroundings. "It's a really nice area though, I'll be at the destination in like two minutes"

"How are things with you and Lando?" she asked after a bit of silence.

"What do you mean? No different than usual" I shrugged.

"There's been quite a few photos of the two of you walking around the paddock together in the afternoon and then being in the same car on the way there and on the way back to the hotel"

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