C H A P T E R 2

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Chapter 2: The Former Genius Mount Hua Peak Master

In an expansive realm adorned with plum blossoms exuding a delicate aura of spiritual energy, petals of faint white and pink hues fluttered in the breeze, stirred by the passage of a slender sword.

A youth, his long ebony locks cascading over a robe of pale azure, leaped and pirouetted with the grace of a dancer, his blade tracing arcs in the air. The blossoms' ethereal qi mingled with his own, a dance of energies that became one with his very breath. Petals swirled in his wake, encircling him as he moved.

The scene mirrored the elegance of a swan upon tranquil waters, or perhaps more aptly, a danseur brandishing his sword in a balletic display.

With each motion, his spiritual force grew more potent and fervent, until the air itself seemed to pulse with the rhythm of his dance. Plum blossom petals enveloped him in a chaotic yet harmonious ballet.

Above, the moon was observed in silent reverence while fireflies emerged from the underbrush, their glow adding to the enchantment of the night.



Tsk! Way to ruin the mood! Why do I have to sneeze while training?

Liu Xuao sheathes his sword, which appears as though it belongs to a celestial being, yet in reality, it is owned by a corrupt individual. The hilt is designed in white and pink and adorned with curved lines etched into it. The blade is slender and so sharp that Liu Xiao dares not touch it. Its silver-white surface has a glass-like sheen, visible during the day but elusive at night. However, when spiritual qi is infused into it, the blade takes on a pinkish hue, altering its color akin to a child's lightstick.

He surveys his surroundings. Plum blossom trees abound, lending the area an aura of peace and serenity. In the novel, this is Liu Xiao's habitual training ground. Should others witness him here, they would gaze upon Liu Xiao as if he were an ethereal male fairy descended from the heavens. He dances like a swan, but his sword pierces like a tiger. Rawr! ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

But I still hate him! Even though this body is more defined as beautiful than handsome, this body's personality still stinks!

Four days have passed since he arrived in this world, and only a week remains until the Rising Star Cultivation Battle—an event that occurs once every five years. Peak Masters allot five years for the upcoming generation of cultivators to refine their spiritual qi before initiating competition across the cultivation world. Liu Xiao secured the second rank five years ago, while Chen Yi was ninth.

Mo Xian advised him to prepare for the imminent competition by training in the Plum Blossom Forest, located within Mount Hua Peak. It must be noted that Mount Hua Peak is vast; what I initially thought to be a single mountain now seems like ten mountains fused together, hence the name Mount Hua Peak.

Moreover, I have not seen Chen Yi even once. She never visits her master's chamber for breakfast. I suspect she's now spending time with Wu Qingge outside of Mount Hua Peak. Had I been the original body, I would have followed Chen Yi outside and then brought her back to share breakfast with Master Mo. Her pampered nature has led her to become spoiled.

Liu Xiao is gradually acclimating to the original "Liu Xiao's" body. The martial arts techniques and cultivation knowledge that the original had mastered are now accessible in his mind—as if playing a character-synchronization game where the skills and status of a previous character are transferred and merged to form a new one. How convenient! This means Liu Xiao can bypass 24 years of cultivation and martial arts training!

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