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Chapter 62: The Final War Part 5

As the demons animated by the old palace master's command began their relentless advance, a palpable tension filled the air. The three elders maintained their vigilance, their gazes locked in a silent standoff, each assessing the other's next move.

Liu Xiao's grip tightened around his sword as he focused on the approaching horde of crystalline creatures. The demons moved with an eerie, mechanical precision, their movements devoid of life or consciousness. With determination etched on his face, Liu Xiao prepared to engage them in battle.

Beside him, Mo Xian channeled his spiritual energy into the tiny harp nestled within his silver necklace. As he did, the harp expanded in size, emanating a soft, ethereal glow. Tian Lang positioned himself protectively in front of Mo Xian, ready to fend off any threats that came their way.

Meanwhile, Chen Yi and Shan Ling assumed battle stances, their weapons poised and ready for action. Bai Lan and Lan Yang stood at the forefront, their weapons infused with pulsating spiritual energy as they braced for the impending clash.

Farther back, Su Luxia and Zhan Baiwen readied themselves for combat, their positions secured as they faced off against the encroaching demons. Though separated from the main group, they remained steadfast in their resolve to defend against the enemy onslaught.

The Former Mount Hua Peak Master laughed sarcastically and spoke as he shrugged, "Aiyooo, old palace master! This is our very first reunion, you know? Why engage in battle?"

The old palace master waved his index finger again, making the demons, who were only slowly walking like zombies, growl and start to attack everything in sight. The old palace master then took a quick glance at the former Mount Hua Peak Master and replied, "I'm not here for such a nonsensical reunion."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" This time, it was Liu Xiao's grandpa who laughed. "It seems like you're not really here for reunion! After you assassinated us, of course! Why would the MIGHTY old palace master celebrate such reunions with his sworn brothers whom he KILLED?"

"Tsk!" Liu Xiao scorned at his grandpa from afar. Why would you emphasize your words?! How childish, old fart!

The Old Palace Master's brows twitched, and he then glanced at Liu Xiao's grandmother, who was standing grumpy while he crossed his arms. When Liu Xiao's grandpa saw that the old palace master was glaring at him, he scowled and then spoke, "WHAT YER LOOKING AT?! AM I GOOD-LOOKING, HUH?! WELL, OF COURSE! I AM THE DARLING OF THE HEAVENS AFTER ALL!!!"

The old palace master and Liu Xiao stared at him in disgust at the same time. Liu Xiao's grandpa's expression became furious from their mocking stares and snapped. "WHAT?! I AM GOOD LOOKING?! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, HUH?!"

Bai Lan calmly slid his sword as he attacked the crystallized demons who were pouncing at him. He then glanced at Liu Xiao, who was just behind Wu Qingge, and spoke, "Liu Xiao, that man in white is your grandfather, right?"

Liu Xiao looked at him with a serious expression and replied, "Who? I don't know that person."

Bai Lan was a bit astounded as he continued killing the demons accurately when he wasn't even looking at them. "But that elder in white said—"

Liu Xiao immediately cut him off. "He didn't say anything. That old fart is just a passerby who suddenly entered my body."

Chen Yi on the other side, who was striking his sword in the air while countless surging waves of yellow spiritual qi emerged from the tip of her blade, joined their conversation. "In my opinion, I think that the elder in white is Brother Liu's grandfather."

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