50: It's Not Over

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Black Zetsu had half of its human-shaped body burning as Obito pulled him out of that bush.

Black Zetsu did not have a body earlier. Maybe he absorbed someone else's? After all, he was hiding inside Madara's body this whole time, and when Madara died did he only leave.

But Obito ignored all that. Because he was finally here... he was finally going to kill this hideous creature!

The thing shrieked when he got a tight hold of it from the back of the neck, like a cat.

An ugly, disgusting cat, he thought to himself before throwing it on the ground harshly, making it roll sideways almost hilariously as it made a sound similar to a groan.

Supposedly by hiding in a bush, it thought that it could blend in like it usually does. But it doesn't do enough for him to conceal his presence with someone like Obito Uchiha around.

And it was supposed to be able to phase through its surroundings, like Obito, but while it isn't doing that he would take complete advantage.

He walked towards Zetsu with heavy steps, his anger radiating off of him in waves like his Chakra.

The creature looked up at him with two yellow orbs, devoid of any clear expression.

"Did you honestly think you can hide from me?"

Obito grabbed its neck. The one who started it all... The one who manipulated the Uchiha and Senju!

Obito activated his Mangekyou Sharingan and they were both sucked into his Kamui dimension.

Zetsu could not resist as they both left that reality.


Fugaku, upon seeing the new eye Obito had in his socket, was extremely uncomfortable.

When the boy explained to him where he got it, Fugaku, unfortunately, was not listening.

The eye gave off an eerie feeling; a Chakra signature that seems all too familiar yet not.

And even if he listened to the explanation, it's not like he could believe the Uchiha boy just picked it off from the ground and used it.

He didn't mention anything else.

The same pattern of Madara and his Mangekyou is already unsettling by itself; what more if he sensed Madara's Chakra in that eye?

He ignored it, though; focusing more on his own offspring than ever.

The child was growing day by day, turning into a wonderful boy... Itachi was his name.

He sighed. He could only hope his son would exterminate any threat to the Uchiha once he grows up.

Fugaku has high expectations.


Minato was going crazy.

Not really. Just, he felt like the amount of paperworks from the recently-ended short-term war was too much.

It was short-termed, wasn't it? So why the hell is there so much paperwork?

Of course, he was smart. He knew that well enough, but was just humble with it whenever someone brought it up.

This time, though, despite his intelligence... he still couldn't decipher what really happened in that slaughter.

The Mist Village retreated because of it, but that wasn't the problem now as his students were involved directly.

He was so busy to the point he didn't even wonder anymore where Obito took the eye he had on. He didn't even wonder how it leaked such great Chakra intensity amounts.

Fugaku had not been talking lately, and so had he. The Uchiha clan head was busy dealing with the Leaf Police Force, and was clearing things up with the clan elders about Obito's new eye.

Not to mention; Kushina had forced Minato to allow Obito and Kakashi to retake the Chunin and Genin exams. They did well, as it was not their first time.

Rin awoke from her short coma and she's up and ready to cheer her two teammates on.

The rogue hasn't appeared, which was good news, and Rin denied seeing anything during the brutal massacre.

Kakashi and Obito hadn't, either. And although Obito seemed off about it, he didn't mind because how would Obito, of all people in the Land of Fire, kill so much experienced, full-fledged ninjas, by himself?

Minato didn't believe it. Hiruzen didn't, either.

With the former Hokage's final decision, it was all a done deal. Minato didn't need to fret over it again. Anymore. If the former Hokage said so, then the former Hokage was right.

He laid his head down on his desk full of paperworks. He also heard from the council that Danzo was talking about the Uchiha again.

It must be about Obito again... or the rogue. Minato's expression darkened at another thought of the cloaked rogue.

He balled his hands and tightened it into a fist.

The rogue still hasn't been unmasked yet. It's still not over...

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