Ward 5: Respect Me

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"Live to please the others, and everyone will love you, except yourself."

Paulo Coelho


"What have you done this time?"Mr.Frego asked his son.He was currently driving to their home when he received the urgent call from maestro Frank.

"He passed through the wall"his maestro spoke for him, but the way he explained it was like his nephew and favorite student was invisible.Harix looked at his maestro and silently thought that his maestro was worse than he in termed of imagining things, in his mind he was asking on how he could pass through that brick wall?

Mr.Frego really meant what he said when he told his boys that he would be going to separate them.After the graduation, Leo was sent to pursue the doctor of medicine in the western country.The abhi with heavy heart fled to another country because he couldn't disagree to his baba.He was known for being an obedient son.

While the abhi was silently obliged, his young brother just ruthlessly agreed.He was being sent to Muslim academy,but what all he did there was to pound the head of all his teachers. The day did not pass without giving them a migraine.His pranks and outlawed ways really tested their patience.

And now today he tried another dangerous adventure that put his classmate into a fatal situation.

"What? It has electricity,you could die!" Mr.Frego said with an angry voice.

"His buddy is in the clinic,he was the first to try"his maestro explained it again while eyeing the devil handsome young man sitting lazily beside them.If he was just a normal boy,he was lowering his head while he was being scolded but this was the fearless Harix Birkly,he was looking straight at the man currently talking,to make it more impolite he was looking at them using his blazing glare, but his maestro Frank could understand the rebel side of Harix because it took one to know one.

"He could die, Harix Birkly!"

"I didn't ask him to do it,it's not my fault if he is dumb"He gave his unpopular opinion again.He talked without manners, and sometimes he forgot to give respect to his baba.

It was obvious that he didn't want to agree with him,since he had learned the lights of the world,the fun and the forbidden, he stopped on calling him baba but started on calling him King Frego.For him, his baba was like a false god like Pharaoh who authoritatively dictating him on how to live.

"Don't do it again, I am warning you"

"You want me to live here? In this dull place?" Harix asked while his eyes roamed around the office of maestro Frank, his eyes stopped roaming when he saw the old photo of his baba and maestro Frank. He now deciphered that this academy was their training ground, and his baba wanted him to be trained in this boring place as well.

"This is an academy"

"I will die from boredom here" Harix rolled his eyes,he answered with absence of fear.He was always like this,he didn't take everything seriously.He treated his life like it belonged to the maze of fun.

"Do you think you could do it your way?"Mr.Frego's blood pressure was slowly rising,the back of his neck was slowly forming a pinkish color.

"I am suffocated here, king Frego"

"You are growing old,it's about time to think about your future"

"It's too early for that,I am not like you who lived to please others" Harix threw another disrespectful words again like if he wouldn't fight back he would lose to his father, but what he didn't know that if he didn't answer back harshly, he might earn a reward,it was a good thing to give respect to the elder, especially to the one who became an instrument to let him see the world.The world that he couldn't leave because he enjoyed every beautiful thing it offered to him.

His tongue was trained to talk back, and that was what hurt his baba the most.Harix talked to him like he was just also a teenager, but not his father. He wasn't able to receive the respect and love that a father must be receiving from his son.

"If you will not follow me,you will live in misery,no money, no food, try it, do what you want to do now, but don't regret it later"
But he concealed it and maintained his authoritative voice but maybe if he would just use his fatherly tone, Harix heart would be softened.He was meeting the fire with fire, that's why both of them were burning.

But he couldn't lower himself down, he was the father.The one who should lower his big wings to his baba must be the son. Parents who tried to guide and protect their children deserved high respect and love.

"King Frego, if there is one thing I will regret is to live unhappily,"
Harix stated in a poignant way.He wanted his words to cut his old man.

"Harix respect!"Maestro Frank joined the tension,he could feel that his best friend was already melting from embarrassment because of Harix insolent behavior.Harix might be right that his baba was a people pleaser, but he was also a man who struggled to please Allah.He also noticed the call sign Harix gave to his baba. The most desired by parents was to be called mother and father by their children, but it seemed the rebel son took that opportunity away,he would not even dare to make his baba happy by just simply calling him baba.The Maestro was disappointed to know that Harix would rather please the shaitan than to call his baba the name that the old man was dying and longing to hear.

"I am sleepy,don't worry I will not escape,I will live here miserably" Harix bid his goodbye and resigned from the adult talk.He was tired with his adventure for the day.Now he would think of another suicidal adventure that could make his life in the academy more exciting. Since he had no choice but to live here,he would follow his king's request, but he would do it according to his own way.

Doing the dangerous plan again was to declare another war with his father.Harix was currently confused if he was really following what he wanted.He was just in denial about the empty happiness he felt every time he disobeyed his parents, and he had no idea that feeding his unhealthy desire was like obeying the enemy of his Creator.


The parents were a gift from a creator that some children took for granted and only saw their value when they were gone, when would Harix give his respect and hidden love to his baba? When everything was too late?

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