Ward 37 : Retrieve Me

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"This overwhelming, encompassing feeling is love. It's not perfect and it's messy as hell. And it's exactly what I need".

- Katie McGarry


"I don't know what brought you here, the sad wind or the dirty rain"
Drayan was soaked because she challenged the pouring rain,she waited for her ex-husband to come home.She couldn't go to his husband's hospital for it would create rumor that both of them would not want.

She decided to help to grant her teyzi's request. If there were just another options, she would not dare to step forward to the gate of the beast doctor.But it left her no option,she was the only one who could help her teyzi,that's why even though it was hard for her to put her decision into test,she just did it. But she didn't know if the outcome of this visit would harvest a healthy result.

"You should have rung the gate bell, instead of waiting outside, after all you are once the queen of this castle"he spoke again while scanning her ex-wife's wet clothes and shaking body. He looked at her from head to toe, the direct receiver of his sight was shaking not just due to the cold breeze but also due to the intense gaze.

"I want to talk to you"
She was looking at him, how it was unfair to see the man you love but couldn't hold him because his heart was cold and out of your league. Drayan shut up the other side of her that still longing for the man.

"Do you care to enter?"the ex-husband asked his ex-wife because she was still outside the door.

"No"her immediate reply,she didn't want to stay long,she didn't want to see their home.It was her home before, but until now, she couldn't still gain the courage to accept that Harix's home was not her home anymore.

"You are shivering"he couldn't help but not to voice out his thought. He pitied her state at the moment.

"I am fine,it will not take long"

"Spill the bean,then"

"I know I may sound desperate right now,and you can think whatever you want,I-"

"Just get inside first if you want me to listen to you"

"I told you I am fi-"

"We will talk, or I will send you home?"
He knew it,when he would talk like this everything would be settled,she would forcefully oblige.

"Okay, but I will not sit because your sofa will get wet"

"What about you change your clothes first?"

"Doc I didn't come he"

"Your clothes are still in the drawer,just follow my command so that we will be done here"
Drayan went to the bedroom to change while Harix prepared food for them.He was wondering what made her to come to his house.He could feel that she was in trouble ,or more like a money trouble.

"I am sorry if it took so long" Drayan was shocked to see that all her things remained intact as if she just left yesterday.It took her so long to come down because she couldn't control her tears after seeing her bedroom,their things, their memories.

"It's fine,sit down"

Drayan looked at the food on the table
"You didn't need to prepare,I will leave after I laid down my purpose of coming here"

"I couldn't hear clearly when I am hungry,so what is it?" The doctor continued and gave his full ear now to his former patient.

"A I need money Harix" Drayan shyly blurted it out

"For what? Are you sick?" Harix asked together with his creasing forehead.

"No,it is for an important matter"

"Of course you wouldn't come here if it isn't important"

Drayan was hesitant to tell her problem


"My brother"

"What happened to him?"

"He impregnated someone"

"Ow,you mean?"

"Yes,we need to take responsibility, and it is not an easy responsibility because the girl comes from the influential family"

"So you came here for dowry?"

"I don't know the amount yet,we need to negotiate with them first,will you lend me? I'll promise I will pa-"

"How will you pay me? With your 3000 salary per month?"

Drayan almost choke when she heard the insult, but she had to swallow the words even though all she wanted was to spit it out


"You are full of pride Drayan,even if you will become the chief executive janitress you couldn't still pay me"

"You are right,I was wrong for coming here"Drayan stood up from the sofa, planning to go out without giving a glance to her devil ex-husband, but before she could open the door,Harix was already standing and walking toward her

"I don't need your money Drayan,I want you" Harix confessed,he was dying to be with her,dying to prove his love but she asked a favor to not to continue and deepen their love

"You even made it more impossible for me to pay" Her weak voice spoke without looking at him

"So you will not help your brother because of your personal reason? Since when did you become selfish?"

"There are another ways to protect my loved ones"

"Okay let us settle for tonight,I will send you home"

"I can manage"

"Let manong Pelo send you home"

"I said I can take care of myself"

"Manong Pelo or Me?"

"You are stubborn Harix"
It was a bad idea to come to his house but Harix was her only option.Pablo was willing to help, but she was afraid that the man would be going to take advantage of her weakness.She chose Harix because she had already given everything to the man, and he would not demand anything from her because she had already left empty-handed.

"It's manong Pelo then"

Drayan didn't win.She didn't get the money.So, how would she help her little brother? What other solutions left for her? And what about Harix? Would Harix just observe and watch her wife suffer?

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