Ward 23 : Accept Me

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"What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love". — Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Four months had passed and the session continued.The two hate birds were living as a married couple for four months now. But if Harix was going to calculate it,if he would include the time he met Mr.Pura, the exact duration would be 7 months and 3 days.So, he was in this mess for more than half a year now.

Harix noticed the progress of Drayan,at first, he never thought that she would obey him,but it seemed like a miracle happened,Drayan seemed to be slowly recovering.

At first, he couldn't believe it, but when he realized that Drayan almost memorized all the verses that he taught to her,he finally concluded that these supplications were the culprit of her major changes.It was the words of Allah after all nothing couldn't be cured with this sacred words from the miraculous book.

Harix saw Drayan inside the rose hut.He decided to see what made his wife busy.This was the hobby of Mrs.Kana that she shared with Drayan.

Upon entering, he was planning to scold her, but he stopped midway when she heard him saying something.

Dua-a iftitah
"Subhaana Rabbiyal-'Azeem wa bi hamdihi (Glory and praise be to my Lord the Almighty)" three times

"Prostration( humility and submission): "Subhaana Rabbiy al-A'la wa bi hamdihi (Glory and praise be to my Lord the Most High)"

"Sitting:rabbigh firli...?
Tahayat...tahayat....ughhh I can't remember".

"You are not planting it,you are burying it"

Harix commented on Drayan's unprofessional skills of planting the black rose.
He said this after listening to his wife's memorization.She was digging the soil, but she was memorizing like she had a final exam.

"This is what Mrs.Kana did"
Drayan's frustrated look was noticeable.
Harix discerned that this was not about the rose, but her irritation was due to her failure to remember all that she had studied.

"Because she is planting the seed not the roots"
Harix explained,his wife was planting the stem so that the rose petals would be visible.A plant without roots would not live for long. What she was doing was burying the flower, it would die soon.

"The roots are ugly,we need to see the rose"

"A beauty from the outside doesn't last,it should always come from within so that it would not fade so easily"

Drayan diverted her gaze from the plant to her husband.She was looking up to see her husband's tall frame.

"Harix, do you think it will multiply tomorrow?"
Drayan ignored her husband's words, but instead asked him if the rose buds would bloom and produce more petals.

"It will not"Harix gave his wife a negative response

"It will not? But Mrs.Kana told me that it will"

"You killed it,"
Harix told her wife with his playful tone. He couldn't help but laugh at his wife's reaction when he told her that it would not grow,it seemed that she couldn't believe it.

"No,I am planting it"

"But you only plant the petals,it will die without waiting for tomorrow"
Harix said while squatting down, copying the squatted position of Drayan

"I will water it"
Drayan looked at him, but now she was not lifting her head to look at his husband because her husband was already beside her,they were on the same level now.

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