Ward 30 : Keep Me

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"The problem with love is attachment; love makes you dependent. Unattached love - you love for the hell of it". — Frederick Lenz


Nana invited the couple to sleep for one night in her home. But he also invited someone.

Leo Erick was with his Nana when Harix and Drayan arrived.The two men were shocked to see each other.

"Harix, look who visits us!" His Nana expressed excitedly

"Abhi" Harix bitterly pronounced the word


Their Nana was flabbergasted with the change of name.Erick called him rix.

"If I had known that you invited them I didn't come" It was the big brother who expressed his dismay this time

Drayan noticed the tension that evaporated since they came.She knew the man,he once saved her.

"What's wrong son? aren't you happy to see your little brother?"

"Your grandson hates me for unknown reason" Harix replied his Nana.Drayan was still behind him,she was just looking at the emerging situation ,she wasn't saying anything.


"Drayan go to the room first,ask Brenda to assist you"

Drayan nodded and went to Brenda who was waiting long enough near the stairs.

"So you married your patient?the beast and the crazy princess couple eh" Leo Erick declared arrogantly

"Enough Erick!" His grandmother was not impressed.He didn't like the words coming out from the grandson that she nurtured from good words.

"Don't scold me Nana,all these times I never failed you,I only got drunk once when your favorite grandson invited me,but despite being the good boy,I am still not the one you favored the most"
Like a hot volcano Leo Erick finally let go his anger.

"What are you talking about?"
His Nana asked,he had really no idea with this sudden outburst.

"He inherited the big space of land that he could plant everything on this world,while I inherited a small space of land which I could only plant 4 trees inside it"
This was not the issue but there was nothing he could point out on why he became like this.His second home was good to him,good enough that he felt it was his true home.

"Your envy made you do this?"

"Abhi, do you hate us that much?"
Harix finally understood his abhi's reason.

"Don't call me abhi,I was a fool for taking all the blame,for admitting an immoral deed that I never did"

No he didn't want to hear it especially when Drayan was near.

"I wished I can go back there and told uncle that his rebel son is the real demon and not me" he thought his uncle didn't know but he was wrong before his father fell into coma Harix already confessed his sin

"Erick,my son,please don't be like this,this family loves you"
Their nana couldn't follow what they were saying.But what she understood was the abhi concealed a dirty secret to save his little brother, but this information would not change anything because they were both her grandson.

"No,you sent me far away so that you could get rid of me"

"No you are wrong son,your uncle didn't want to let you go but your dad from abroad was threatening him,that's why he did that"

"You are lying"

"He didn't tell you because he would rather choose to let you hate him than let you hate your own father"
Leo Erick was an adopted son but he didn't feel like one. When he reached the western country he met his true family and they fed him with lies. He thought that he was being sent there because he was difficult to love but after hearing his Nana,the soft side that he hid almost,almost came out

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