Ward 9: Heal Me

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"From the day that God put man in the presence of woman, paradise became hell".

— Henri Jeanson

"I will pay you ,please allow her to be admitted here" The father was helpless but trying to be hopeful. He was hoping that the human in front of him could heed his obvious agony.

When Mr.Pura said that he would try again,he meant it. That's why he came back again and pleaded to his student's big brother.

He wanted to find a doctor for Drayan but no one wanted to cure her because according to them, Drayan was a hopeless case. A hopeless case because nothing was wrong with her, but everything with her was wrong. This was the test result of Drayan , blurry and complicated to understand.

"I only admit a sick person"
Drayan was not sick, that's Harix's diagnosis. When Drayan brought to his hospital he let them perform all the tests to know her health, but all the tests were normal, except a few signs of depression that could be cured by the love of those people around her.

Depression was a serious matter, but Harix couldn't immediately say that Drayan was depressed because the test results were inconsistent.

But if Drayan was really showing some signs of depression and the cure was love from her family, her cure was still impossible because she was living together with her wicked step-mom.

No matter how her dad tried to shower her with love, Parsa's wickedness could zero out that love like a laundry unloaded from a washing machine.

"You cured many insane people, her case is not severe, please"

"I said no, find another hospital to----(will you help her abhi?)

Actually, Harix didn't put his best effort to diagnose the woman. He let the other doctor checked-up her. He didn't see the insane girl personally, he just asked doc Lea to run the test. So, it was normal for him to try again, especially when his little brother's face kept on haunting him. There was something personal issue about taking the woman in, but he couldn't fail his little brother.

"Please,I am willing to pay the price just cure her"

"The hospital bill here is prestigiously high, and your daughter is a rare case" Harix made a decision ,he would help him but no one would know that he would give special treatment to the special case.

Nurse Stef was there arranging some files of the doctor.Harix pretended that he would not take in Mr.Pura's daughter without advance payment.He was aware that the nurse behind them was like an editorial page.One mistake of moves or words could be published just on time and who knew tomorrow he might be the headlines.

"Okay, okay I will provide the money just allow her to stay here"

"Can you pay this amount?"

Indeed, Mr.Pura really provided the money and brought it to the doctor after the day they talked.The doctor didn't mean it, and he was hesitant to accept the money,he didn't need the money but he would rather not let anyone knew his soft side.He didn't want the other people to know that he was just granting his little brother's request, or he was just making his baba proud of him.No one should know his selfless reasons.If he accepted the man willingly, he would be the subject of gossip, and he might not know that one day they would build a statue to recognize all his heroic acts.

He kept the money aside, it was just being given to nurse Stef yesterday .He was planning to return it to the man and made this negotiation a secret.

Since he already accepted the money like what the hospital knew, the lodging of Mr.Pura's daughter continued but while roaming around he heard another commotion.

"Nurse Stef, what's that noise all about?" Doc Harix asked.

"It's in ward X doc"
After hearing it they immediately went there.

She was crying, she was broken.She wanted no one at the moment.This was the first time he would see her face-to-face.She wasn't attractive,a woman with her disarrayed scarf, mismatched slippers and unpowdered face, no men would bother to even give her a glance. But he did mesmerize, he looked at her as if he were a math problem that he wanted to be solved.Nay! he didn't look at her because of her beauty but because she was different . The eyes could lie, but the heart couldn't. After seeing her acting out of the order, for a moment, the doctor finally concluded that indeed she might be a real psycho.

"What happened?" Harix asked while observing the weird state of Drayan.She was on the floor sitting while touching the white pillow affectionately.She was crying and talking to it as if the pillow had a soul,but from time to time, she would scream her nono's name,her baba's name, and then she suppressed her scream again through using her right hand to cover her mouth.

"I just told her that his Baba is dead"
Doc Harix looked at Drayan's step-mom in slow motion.

"Who is dead?"
Harix asked again, trying to confirm what he already heard.

"His dad"

"Mr.Pura?" Harix asked with full of curiosity. He couldn't believe what he heard. The shock was visible in his eyes.

"Yes,he died because of her"

"Seriously?? Who gave you the right to tell this tragic information to an insane woman?!" Harix was in rage because the news was not something that could be easily digested.It was a news of death.

"I am his mother"

"Stef!.." Harix shouted to shake the conscience of the wicked woman.He meant two persons.Stepmother and nurse Stef.

"What?" Mrs.Parsa reacted,she was asking how the doctor knew that she was just a stepmother.Maybe his husband blurted it out secretly to the doctor.

"Nurse stef comfort the woman,let's talk in my office,Mrs."


The talk was tragic too.The reason for Mr.Pura's death was the money.

"Because of that woman, my husband died"

Mrs.Parsa narrated while sitting on the client's chair.

"You can't blame to the human the things that was already ordained"

"He borrowed money from a gangster to augment the money for Drayan and when he was going to get it he was killed"

Mrs.Parsa narrated it in a detailed way as if she was writing a suspense story.

"It disheartened me to see my husband lifeless body, do you know how I feel? I have no house, I have no husband,I have no home, what would I say to my children?"

"Take this money buy a house,be strong you still have children" Harix returned the deposited money of Mr.Pura

"Thank you,thank you so much"

Mrs.Parsa could almost clap and dance because of joy, when she saw the money she almost forgot that she was mourning.She didn't know that the money was from her dead husband.

"On one condition,keep this secret between us or else I will let you pay for it"

"Of course,of course, I will not tell anyone"

To say that Harix didn't feel the guilt was hypocrisy. Indeed, his conscience was knocking on the door of his heart and he couldn't help but blame himself.


Why Harix seemed interested with Drayan, was it because she was different or......

she looked familiar?

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