Ward 6:Guide Me

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"The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul."

John Calvin


Harix was bored today, so he decided to mess up with his favorite maestro.Maestro Frank was his favorite because they shared the same genre, and they read the same book in life.

He went to his office but knocked first on his door,but his true intention was to check if his maestro had an important visitor.

When Harix opened the door, he saw his maestro standing, he was seriously looking at the sea that he could see from his balcony.Harix entered the office and without courtesy he asked his maestro.

"Why King Frego doesn't visit me any more Maestro?"

It'd been a week since his baba didn't visit and scold him. The last time they talked was after the fence incident, where he almost burned his buddy.

And their last talk was more heavy because his maestro was not there,so no one stopped him from disrespecting his father.

But now he noticed that he couldn't see any shadow of his old man.He sometimes sat on the window of his bedroom to check if his baba's car was there in the parking lot, but the blue car couldn't be seen anymore.

"Something happened to your Baba"
His maestro didn't know how to tell him and thought that his rebel student wouldn't ask and wouldn't care about his baba.

"Is he sick?"the young man asked again. He playfully sat on his maestro's swivel chair.He had no fear,he had no respect, and his maestro was fully aware of those facts.

"He encountered an accident"

Harix immediately stood up upon hearing the sad revelation,his abrupt action made the swivel chair rotated for a while.

"Where are you going?"
The maestro asked when he noticed that his student was about to go out and run to his baba

"I want to see him" Harix's desperate answer.

Maestro Frank immediately held the brusque arm of the young man.This was not the right time for the young man to see his weak and almost lifeless superhero.

"What are you doing, Maestro?" Harix asked when he noticed the sudden action of his maestro.He was holding him tightly. He could feel the toned muscle and the strong grip.He thought it was difficult to get out from the office without leaving his arms in his maestro's hand.

"Are you strong enough to go there?"

"I need to see him,he needs me"
He wiggled,he was trying, even though he had muscles to fight, it was nothing compared to his maestro's iron fist.Literally, an iron fist because it was heavy,it didn't even flinch when Harix attempted to free his arms.

"He needs a strong son,not a rebel son"
Maestro Frank whispered the words,Mr.Frego trusted his son to him, and he was sure that his best friend would agree with his current action.

"It is not the right time to enumerate my shortcomings"

"It is the perfect time to listen to your Baba"the maestro was right,the young man would be broken if he saw the sad state of his father.

"It will not take long,I will go back again"
Harix was trying to bargain,if he couldn't fight with fists,he would fight with words.

"Even if you are there,you cannot bring him to life"

"He is not dead yet because if he is dead, you will bring me immediately to him"
To say that Harix was shocked by his maestro words was an understatement,but he was a strong man,he was ready to hear all the sad news about his baba that his maestro failed to divulge earlier.

"You can only see him if you will become strong"

"I am already strong"

"Your solid physique can't help your dad,when I said strong,I pertained to your heart,and that heart can only become strong if you will start to master your faith"

"It will take a long time to do that,I need to get out now!"

"Unless you want to die and hang yourself on that electric fence, then go"

"You are a son too,you should have known my feeling" the maestro couldn't help but admire the young man's wisdom.He was looking at his nephew's back while locking Harix's two arms using his stone muscles.His rebel student's witty side was slowly growing.If he just focused on learning, he could become one of the best students in their Islamic academy, not only in academy but also in life.

"If you behave and can prove to me that you are strong enough, I will be the one who will drive you there"

"It needed more time to do that,what if I can't see my baba alive anymore?"

"What if you apply what you have learned and do what's necessary to help your Dad? check your prayer mat I think it is already dusty because you only use it when we have our graded practicum"

"Will his life be prolonged if I use those mats?" Harix frankly asked,what he was thinking right now was to see his baba immediately and not to wait for the miracle to happen.

"Who knows, you are going to ask the one who gives and takes life after all" and after that, the maestro left Harix.He was satisfied with his answer to his rebel student, and he knew that the young man would contemplate on his advice.


Harix was frustrated,he couldn't go out.He couldn't go to his baba. He already exhausted all his means, but all his plans rendered failed.

One day, he realized that instead of planning for futile escape,he would make a miracle.He would be the miracle,he regretted all the harsh words and heartless treatments he gave to his baba.Not seeing his baba when he was aching to see him was tolerable for a short time but torture for a long time.

He realized that he needed the man,he loved his baba.And since changing himself would be impossible, he would rather call it a miracle.It was a miracle if he would triumph on changing himself from worst to the better version of him.

He went to his maestro and informed him about his decision.His maestro was already expecting it because he gave his nephew no choice,it was his only way to get out from the academy.


He endured everything, his inspiration was his dad. While doing the act of worship, his mind was slowly found solace.From a man of haste to a man of patience.From a man of fist to a man of peace.From a rebel Muslim man to a good Muslim man.From a man of sin to a man of piety.He had changed from within.He was built by time.His faith was strengthened by his knowledge and courage.

His first two years in Muslim academy were full of fights ,fun, laziness,pranks and arguments and his last remaining two years were full of faith, perseverance,maturity, and hope.

But would he arrive at the right time, and would his baba see the new version of his beloved son?

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