Ward 12: Reject Me

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"Human rejection can be God's divine protection".

Paula Hendricks


The two-storey house that was enveloped by the brick fence was the home of the bachelor doctor. Harix would always Harix,he didn't stay at his parents' home, but instead he planted the grey house somewhere far away from the noise and disturbance. He found tranquility there,it could soothe and calm his empty heart. His house was opposite to his boring life,the different kinds of flowers surrounding it gave life and color to his dull life.

He was a reformist, sometimes he would embrace their family's tradition,but typically he would reject it. At first his annem didn't agree with his decision.But her little boy was a big man now,no matter how she tried to keep him from staying he would still run away. So, the annem had no choice but to accept the defeat and support her son's decision.


"Who is she son?"

Harix's mother missed her son so badly so she went to her son's house to bring his favorite food, but she was flabbergasted when she found a woman inside his son's guest room.

She didn't plan to go to the guest room, but she heard a weird noise coming from it and when she followed the source of the noise, she saw a beautiful woman, but to her, the woman's beauty was nothing compared to her Paula.

She shouted and the woman also shouted back when she saw an unfamiliar face and their shout made Harix bolted from his room to the guest room.That's why here he was now being interrogated by his first woman.

"A patient?" His son's unsure answer.Harix chose to bring her to his home because of Drayan brother's warning .He warned them about the old man who was selected by his annem to be his sister's betrothed.

He really didn't want to meddle in Drayan's affair, but it was too late now to retreat.He already started it,so he decided to finish it. He was doing it for Mr.Pura and for his conscience.

"In your house?" His mother asked again to wake him up from the crazy situation. Her son's hospital could cater thousands of patients. Why did he need to bring the woman here? The mother hen mentally asked.

"I have no choice annem" Harix reasoned out. It left him no choice because no one wanted to cater the crazy woman.She was a mental, but even a mental hospital still rejected her. Although there was one hospital that accepted severe cases, but the people there were also severe, they were already hopeless.He would not bring her to the Light asylum because he knew that Drayan was not a hopeless case.

"You know it's forbidden for you to bring a non-mahram in your house" his mother had a point.If it was a normal circumstance and if the parents of Drayan knew this abduction,he would be forced to marry the girl.But her step-mom didn't know because Leo kept it a secret,her baba was dead and her annem was faraway. So Drayan was like an orphan now,no one would care if she would be with a woman or a man.

"I know, but her step-mom hates her, and she was making trouble in the ward"

"You gave me the wrong answer," her annem said angrily.

"Her father trusted her to me" Harix laid down his true reason

"Find her another house,apartment or dorm,you are a practicing Muslim" her mother strict suggestion.

"She is sick annem" Harix stated in a way that he wanted his annem to understand their incomprehensible situation.

Harix closed Drayan's door because although she didn't say anything, she could still hear their words.Harix didn't want to build a harsh environment for Drayan. Simple noise and simple words still disturbed her.

"Where?" Her annem asked while looking at his son who presently closing the door carefully.She admired the doctor,she was proud that he even brought her to the house just to cure her.But no matter how this heroic act moved her annem's heart, his method was still wrong because the patient was a girl.

Islam allowed the male physician to check up his female patient, provided that there was no doctor available or if he was the only specialist on the rare disease.


"An insane woman?" Another shout came out from Harix's annem. Every time she heard vulgar words or she saw weird scenarios, she would always shout.This was her habit.

"Well I couldn't say it that way since yeah all the test results are normal"
Harix answered her again.

"All her test results are normal, but she is ill?"
And now the mother hen's head started to crack. She hated thinking too much,it gave her a headache.

"As impossible it may sound, yes"

"Find another hospital, another doctor!"Mrs.Gracia kept on suggesting, she was scared with the things happening to her son.She didn't want to be a paranoid, but she couldn't help but afraid that Harix would change his heart.As what she saw earlier the girl inside the guest room was not just an ordinary girl, she was something and the way her son protected his patient was also something.

"I can't do that,I can't break a promise"
Harix immediately rebutted his mom's statement.

"What promise?"

"I promised her late dad that I will cure her child"

"As long as she will be cured your promise will not be broken right?;okay I will find the best doctor and the hospital"

His annem finally closed the discussion.It might be impossible to believe, but she was indeed able to think of a remedy for her son's predicament.

Aside from non-mahram reasons,the reason for her overacting was she had already chosen a girl for her son.She had no intention to accept other women besides her Paula, and she would never ever dream of having an insane daughter-in-law. The truth was she wasn't concerned about the non-mahram rule,she just used it to warn her son.


Harix's annem rejected Drayan, but would she be able to prevent the predestined?

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