Ward 40: Buy Me

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"Don't love deeply, till you make sure that the other part loves you with the same depth, because the depth of your love today, is the depth of your wound tomorrow".

-Nizar Qabbani

"Don't kill him,I'll promise we will take responsibility"

"That man dishonored my family"
Harix was aware that Drayan's family was in big trouble because they collided with the big family,, so he sent a bodyguard to Drayan.Following her wherever she went,of course Drayan didn't know it.


"Harix bey,she is in trouble now,Don Felipe already invading their home"
Harix detective informed him about Don Felipe's appearance in Drayan's Teyzi house

After hearing it from the detective,Harix immediately removed his white coat,he needed to save his wife from the cunning old man

"Let us talk Don Felipe" Drayan's Teyzi begged again.

"There is no negotiation will happen,the only payment I want for staining our honor is your son's life"

"Don Felipe,think about your daughter,your grandson,do you want him to grow up without his baba?"

"I know your story woman,you just came out from mental,you are sick,don't give me your useless advice crazy woman"

"What's happening here?"

"Harix bey(sir)?"

"Mr.Felipe,why are you in this humble abode?"

"You know them?"

Harix and Don Felipe had known each other.When King Frego was still active,don Felipe was always in his office.He was also a businessman, so he was trying to negotiate their partnership with King Frego. Unfortunately, King Frego was became bedridden so the partnership just stayed on the paper.

"They are my wife's family"


"Yeah Drayan is my wife"

Drayan was shocked to hear it.His possessive and protective side finally emerging again.But to Drayan his words were not needed,he didn't need to say it because they were already divorced and now that he was saying it,it just meant one thing,she would be forced to get married to him again.Why not? They needed to cover her husband sweet lies that could save his brother's life.

"Are they connected to you?"

"They are my second family,What is your issue with them?"

"I think we can settle it through coffee"

"Ow that would be a good idea"

"Later Dry" Harix said while removing his hold from his "wife's" hips.

Drayan stay rooted."Thank God,thank God,Drayan,I don't know what will happen to us if Harix didn't come"

"Thank you big sis,it's very shameful to visit us with all this problem"

"I am glad you visit us Drayan"

"Teyzi we need to be ready now,we don't know what will happen next"

"Your husband will solve it Drayan,he can solve it"
Drayan stayed silent,his ex-husband could solve it but her family didn't know what was the price that she had to pay.She needed to sell her broken self to the one who broke it.

"Annem,Clarisa called,his father agreed to the marriage"

"Oh Drayan,alhamdulillah"

"Shukran,shukran big sis"
Leo hugged his big sis because of happiness.He thought he would be the one who could save Drayan,but it was his abla(sister) who saved them instead.

Leo was thankful that Harix didn't break his promise,he protected Drayan until now.He was also happy that his brother's life was being saved by Drayan and Harix.


"I thought you are not coming"

"As if I have a choice,you already bought me"

Harix texted her to talk about the contract.She didn't want to come, but she had no choice.She was indebted to this man.

"I just came at the right time,I did it for everyone"

"You did it for yourself"

"I helped you"

"You blackmailed me"

"You want it that way"

"I don't understand Harix why you need to do this"

"I already told you that I want you"

"You broke me, remember?"

"And I fixed you"

"And you broke me again"

"And I will fix you again"

"Why do you keep on fixing me? Could you let yourself find someone new? Find someone whole?find someone you didn't need to fix? I don't know why you keep on wanting the worn out stuff,the disfunc--"

He hugged her.How did it happen? He was already standing near her, so he just grabbed her body and tightly hugged her.

"I am not your wife" Drayan stated while dusting off her clothes like it had dirt on it,but yes Harix's arms gave her dirty touch.

"I didn't sign the divorce paper,so I can still hold you"

"So that one is fake?"

"Just to ease your mind"

"You are maniac,monster"

"I am everything you hate"

"If you didn't interfere yesterday, I could still find another solution"

"Uhumm.what solution, you will marry Pablo?"

"I don't love Pablo"

"If my memory serves me right,you told me that he already proposed to you"

"He did"

"Uh,what happened?"

"You can't marry someone you don't love"

"I did"

"I am not like you,who treated marriage like a game"

"I believe marriage is sacred, that's why I am trying to save it until now"

"You can't fool me"

"Those who fall in love are fools"

"I am not in love"

"You confessed to me before"

"That was in the past"

"Do you want me to check it?" Harix stepped forward

"What?" And she stepped backward while eyeing the door,she was planning to run if Harix would put his dirty thoughts into action.

"Kiss or contract?" Harix asked while looking intensely at her lips. He was just trying to lose the tight situation.He was hoping that his seductive tone could make his wife laughed.

"Try to do it and I will slap you"

"Of course it's the contract, you came here for that"


Finally, his brother's life was safe now,his chapter would be closed now.But what about her? How would she endure it? How would she live together with her ex-husband again?

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