Ward 7: Help Me

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"I once heard a wise man say there are no perfect men. Only perfect intentions."

Morgan Freeman


(After ten years)

"I am not a God"

Harix replied harshly. Yes, he was a changed man now but there was something in him that couldn't be changed, it was his sarcasm and cold personality. He was a doctor now, a great doctor, well, a great student must also be great in practice, not just in theory. He ruled the world of medicine during his era. However, he had a deep reason why he became a beast in his field; he wanted to bring someone back to life. It was just unfortunate that even though he dived into the bottom of the books and tested many experiments, all his efforts were rendered futile, but he was aware that he was not a God, he could give a cure, but only God could heal.

All he wanted was a miracle from the powerful creator above, but somehow it was difficult to believe in the divine intervention unless it already happened. Harix believed that though he was not living in the prophets' time when miracles were easy to be made, he was still hopeful that it would happen to him because he followed even though not perfectly but prudently the teaching of the prophets(pbut). He had the right also to dream the impossible because to his God everything was possible.

Allah didn't discriminate, even the bad people still received blessings and miracles, Harix was confident that he was no exception, he knew, and he believed that Allah would hear him at the right time.

"I know, but God gave you knowledge to cure his creations"
Mr.Pura had never given up on looking for antidotes. It had been ten years, but until now, Drayan's illness had not been treated yet. He wished he had much wealth so that he could bring his daughter to another country that had an advanced treatment for mental illness.

"Your daughter is fine" Harix's final verdict after hearing the story of the distressed father.

He became irritated to hear the man's story because he kept on repeating the same scenario. He could sense that there was more to it. For Harix ,the daughter would not suffer from psychosis without a deep reason.But he shouldn't blame Mr.Pura if his story was lacking because he only took care of his child after her nono's death, so he didn't really know the full and real story of Drayan.

Doc Harix didn't want to cure the man's child because he didn't accept a female patient, it was just his rule and nobody dared to ask the reason.He could make any rule he wanted, since he was the owner of the said hospital.

"I wish I could agree, but internally, she is suffering"The father of Drayan was begging,he heard that he was looking at the best doctor right now. But his heart constricted that though the man might be the answer for his unending search,he was out of his league. He couldn't convince him to check-up on his child.
"She is not sick, you can't cure someone who isn't sick"

"Please doctor, assess her first before you give your verdict"He was begging again. This was normal to him,he almost begged all the great physicians in their country, some granted his requests and some were heartless to send him out immediately.

While Harix tiredly listened to Mr.Pura, they heard a knock on Harix tinted glass door.

"Doc Rix,you are needed in the emergency room" Nurse Stef called the great doctor. Harix stood up from his seat.

"Doctor" Mr.Pura's pleading voice had never stopped waking up the cold-blooded heart of the handsome doctor. He wanted the doctor to try,at least to try to cure his child, even though it had no guarantee, he was willing to try.He wanted the great doctor to give him hope, even just a vain hope that he could hold on to.

If he were the old Harix he would immediately get out and forget about the man, but as impossible as it might seem, he couldn't get out without glancing at the woeful father.

"I am sorry" His final reply before he left his office.

Mr.Pura just looked at the man built by tribulations, of course he didn't know the story of the doctor, but he could feel his warm heart, his hope to ask for his help again was not vanishing yet. He would be going to try again.


"What are you planning? Why did you bring that man to me?" Harix asked in a forced calm voice the little boy inside his car. If before, Harix was the only little prince in Hans' clan,it had been changed since the little angel came to their life. His annem was pregnant before his baba encountered a tragic accident. And now,his King Frego had three sons, but he wasn't able to know it because the mother in question didn't tell him. She accompanied Leo to the western country, and she only found out there that she was pregnant, and she was planning to tell her husband when she would come back, but instead of surprising him, she was the one who got surprised.

"He is my teacher, and his daughter is sick, I want to help him abhi" The little lion answered his abhi with full hope,he could see doc Rix as their only hope. When the child noticed that his teacher was sad,he asked him the reason for his grief, and after his teacher elaborated on his problem,he offered help by putting his gorgeous abhi on the spot.

Mr.Pura was a teacher in a famous grade school. He was the adviser and the favorite art teacher of Vince Gon Hans, Harix's little brother.They were very close to each other, little Gon always visited his teacher's house to learn more about painting.

At a young age, the little child already knew his passion, and that was to become a painter, he was not like his incredible abhi who just went with the flow of life. The young Harix just took the course that could lead him to the path of amusement. However, Harix was grateful that even though he lost his path, he still found the right road again, and as long as the path offered by life was toward the light, he would willingly step forward and walk through it.

The great doctor didn't really know his dream or he did, but he kept it hidden and only his Creator knew what he truly and achingly desired. Maybe his edge to his little bro was this,his fearlessness to the melancholies.

"You are incapable of helping him," Harix said while starting the engine of his car.

"I know that's why I brought him to you" with his little brother's clever side,Harix couldn't help but remember his young self. He was very similar to him when it came to being great in reasoning about life. But unlike Harix,his little bro had learned about good manners and respect.He was taught about kindness by the one and only stubborn Harix. He knew how hard it was to cut the big tree, so the lesson he learned was that while it was still a small tree, it should be straightened immediately before it became crooked.
"Little bro your abhi can't cure everyone" Harix answered him again and this time, his car was already on the road joining the other vehicles.

"Just help him;just cure his daughter, she is only one, you are only treating the one person" Gon explained while showing his right index finger to his abhi to emphasize the word 'one'.

"Her daughter is not sick"

"No abhi, every time I visit my teacher I always see her, staring at the unknown"

"Who knows she is just heartbroken" Harix laid down his pending assumption, this was what he wanted to tell Mr.Pura, but he didn't want to waste his energy on explaining it since the man already drained him of his story.

"I don't think so,she doesn't look like she is in love"

"Next time consult me first before you will bring a client, okay?" Harix lectured his little brother again, but Gon wasn't planning to stop doing this noble act for his favorite teacher until his handsome abhi would help them.

"Will you help her? I know you will help her?" Gon confidently teased his big brother.

"I will see, come on, let me take you home"

"Ice cream shop first!" Gon excitedly said.

Harix just smiled and drove to the place of happiness of the little man beside him.


Now the pain of yesterday was slowly visiting Harix, would he be able to recognize the dark past in disguised?

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