Ward 15: Fix Me

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"The path to paradise begins in hell."

- Dante Alighieri

Harix visited her old woman to inquire about something.He parked his car and proceeded to her study room,he was welcomed by the sight of a bookworm- old girl who couldn't resign from reading.

Harix wished he could go and kiss her hand like he would always do when he was still small.While attempting to open another page, she noticed someone's presence.She smiled and looked at her gorgeous grandson.

"What did you do, my lion? Your mom came here yesterday, and she was very furious"

Harix's mom was very close to his Nana,she always complained about her disappointments and failures to the old woman.

"Nothing Nana"Harix answered shortly because he didn't want to talk about it.

"It's nothing? The way I see it,it's everything"
Harix couldn't lie to his Nana.

"What did Annem say?"

"She didn't say anything,but her mood,the way she shouted with our maid it told me that it has something to do with you"
His Nana noticed the bad mood of his mom yesterday.She was fuming,her hot temper could fry an egg.

"I brought a girl" Harix brazen reply

"Astaghfirullah" His Nana wanted to say more than this word, but she was a woman with class and grace.She forced herself to close her mouth firmly so that she couldn't utter something inappropriate.Though her mouth said nothing,her expression said everything, and Harix could see it.

"It's not what you think Nana,the girl is sick" Harix tried to elaborate on what he said earlier.

Her Nana still closed her mouth firmly.She was asking in her mind if the girl was sick why her lion needed to bring her to his house?

When Harix took heed that his Nana was still processing his words, he further explained again.
"Actually she is the reason why I came here,I need your help"

Her Nana chose to answer this time.
"What kind of help, son? To compute the dowry?" The old woman didn't know what was the right reaction to this situation.Harix's statement made her excited but at the same time irritated because her lion was delaying his narrative report.


"So what is it if not for dowry?"

"She needs cure,and I guess I need to consult the great doctor"

His Nana warmly smiled at her grandson.
"But you are the great doctor, son"

"She is a woman"

"Yes,that's why I am wondering on why you decided to take her in"

"I made a promise to the dead"

"Well promises must be fulfilled,is this girl still in your house?"

"Yes, but I am planning to find-"

"Let's go then, let me immediately do the consultation"

"This is abrupt,but in our job everything is urgent"Harix playfully said.

"Yes,we are dealing with someone's life after all"


After 30 minutes, the grandson and his nana arrived.Harix assisted his nana to Drayan's room.His Nana was carrying an ice cream because they needed to bribe the woman for her to take their order.

Upon opening the door,there they saw the woman who was sitting on the bed but looking on the window,a window where the sun rays entered.She was looking on it, but her mind was looking beyond,it was somewhere far from the real world.

Internal HellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ