Ward 22: Enlighten Me

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"Hell is the highest reward that the devil can offer you for being a servant of his".

-Billy Sunday


The lecture of Drayan and Harix was followed by many sessions.Harix taught her first of the supplications and then when she learned the supplications for five times prayer,he then moved to another level.

The young doctor taught her about ablution, the key to prayer and from a moderate level to the most difficult one, they moved to the steps of Salah(prayer).

The first time he taught her about the steps of Salah(prayer five times a day),it was a struggle for him because Drayan sometimes slept during sujud (prostration).Every time he finished the salah,he always found her sleeping on the last prostration(sujud).

Harix really tried to compose himself and tried hard to control his anger.He always reminded himself that she was a patient, and she was Mr.Pura's child.

He couldn't blame Drayan because the deeper they dig into the knowledge of faith the more it became arduous,the doctor knew that he needed more patience to continue with the session.

There were times that he taught her during the day,sometimes during the night when his schedule was full.But he was glad that he could leave to the old servant the lesson on supplications,at least Drayan could memorize it even if he was not there.

But Drayan was sometimes attacked by psychosis when she was with Mrs.Kana,so what the woman did was to teach her something fun first like gardening before she would proceed to the hard lesson.

The good thing about this spiritual and new-found method was that the complicated subject was responding.Harix was satisfied that he was making progress.If Drayan got cured with their method, he would witness again another miracle from almighty Allah.

Sometimes he contemplated on why he didn't think about applying the spiritual healing before,if he found this method when he met Mr.Pura,the old father would die happy.But if Drayan's baba knew about spiritual healing,he wouldn't desperately search the world to find the cure, but the sad thing was even the father didn't know the state of mind of his child.Which was reasonable because she didn't grow with her father.


Drayan was engrossed in memorizing the first verse in the holy Qur-an,the surah al-fatihah.She didn't notice the two men who were observing her from the balcony.Drayan was sitting inside the rose hut.A small garden with different colors of rose.

"She is your new buddy,"
Harix spoke to his younger brother.

"She is sister Drayan"
Gon wondered when he saw a familiar face

"Yes,Mr.Pura's daughter"

"I know,I saw her before,why is she here abhi?"

"She is my wife"
It made him uncomfortable to say these words, but he wanted to be honest to the young man beside him

"Did you?"
Gon asked..he thought his abhi gave up on his sensei's daughter.He was depressed because he thought that he failed his sensei. He had no idea that his abhi decided to fulfill his promise.His abhi took charge and owned the responsibility.

"She is almost there,but I need your help"

"What kind of help?"
The kid cheerfully asked.He was willing to help his abhi.

"Well you will teach her....to watch YouTube on how to pray and how to read the Qur-an correctly"

"Is that all abhi? that is so easy"

His little brother proudly and playfully said.

His baba was strict, but his gorgeous abhi was stricter.If Harix was being sent to Islamic Academy after high school,Gon had to attend Islamic studies every weekend.His abhi divided the time of the young boy to focus on both dunya(world) and akhirat(hereafter). Harix decided to do this because he would rather not see another rebel version of him.

"I am glad you are excited about it"

"Leave it to your little prince"

"go to her and start the lesson"

Gon just nodded and went to Drayan.Harix was also worried with his little brother.Lately, he was busy looking for a new tutor that could help Gon on painting since Mr.Pura was already dead.

The little child didn't want anyone except his dead sensei, but when maestro Frank heard it,he voluntarily presented himself.There Harix found out,that the word maestro had a deeper meaning,he was also the master in painting and he was glad that Gon was also close to maestro,so he agreed to be taught by his new teacher,although Mr.Pura was always his inspiration.


"The first step is you will face the qiblah"

Gon finally started his lesson.He went to Drayan to introduce himself. Since Drayan was also functioning like a child ,to converse and mingle with the young boy did not become hard for her.In fact, she saw another familiar face again,even though she didn't talk,she was aware every time his baba brought this child to their home.

"So why do we need to face this direction and not stand with whatever direction we want?"
Drayan curiously asked,she was swimming on the shiny black marble floor while changing the position of her prayer mat from horizontal to vertical position,so that it would be facing the qiblah.

"The Muslim needed to face the qiblah because this where the ka'ba located and this was the center of attention of all the Prophets(pbut).Facing qiblah meant that the Muslims were looking in the same direction and worshipping the same God.This means unity,being united in worshipping one God".

Gon couldn't help but showcase his knowledge.He hoped the confused girl behind him could understand his explanation, if not today,someday in Allah's perfect time.

"The next step is to stand straight,of course you are humbling yourself to the creator, so you need to stand straight properly,say Allahu Akbar and place your hands over your chest" Gon continued on instructing Drayan.She was copying all the actions of his young teacher.

"Next was the ruku,bowing or bending down like this,this means you are lowering yourself to the highest creator above"
The young teacher elaborated on how to do the rukuh

"Next was the sujud or prostration,this is putting yourself to the ground because you are facing your greatest creator"

"Next was the sitting position you will sit like this" Gon elaborated again the proper way to sit on prayer,Drayan couldn't almost follow the position and Harix saw it.

The lecture continued until the last step or the salam and the doctor just observed them from a distance.He was planning to teach her tonight,but she needed a rehearsal first so that it would not be difficult for him to perform one by one all the steps.He already tried it before but Drayan didn't learn it because she always felt asleep in prostration, maybe because she was already tired, and he was also tired.

If fate would be kind and Allah would immediately answer the supplication,did it mean that there was a sign of healing but also of leaving?


The author laid down the sacred steps of five times prayer.If there were errors in presenting it,it WASN'T Islam's fault or anyone's fault.It was the author's mistake,my error.If the Islamic knowledge being presented here produced confusions and misinterpretation,blame it on me...and may Allah forgive me for these unseen and unintentional mistakes.

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