Ward 47 : Love Me

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"Just because a relationship ends doesn't mean two people stopped loving each other. They just stopped hurting each other".



"I am letting you go Harix,I know you are not happy with this marriage, but I didn't want to end it before because I am indebted to you,but I think I can't pay you my heart anymore"

She thought of this decision so many times, but she had no courage to leave the man, especially when he was still fighting for the life of his baba.

Drayan was very happy when Harix's baba regained his consciousness and due to this happiness,she forgot their current issue.

She tried many times to show and tell her love. She poured many times her true feelings and she had shown many times her vulnerable self to the doctor.

But those many times were over now.She realized that staying with Harix when he was not in love with her was like punishing him.So she decided to let the man choose and let the man go.

"Why?" Harix rigorously asked. He wanted to ask why almost all of them, including the woman he loved wanted to extinguish the powerful feeling of love that he felt.

"Because you don't want my heart, you want someone else"

Vulnerability, this was the sound of Drayan's voice at the instant.

"You don't know what I want, and who I love"

"I know, those women I always see in your office, it's one of them, or it's all of them"

While saying these, she wished she could remove her ears so that she couldn't hear those painful words. It was painful because she treated her husband like a merchandise that she traded for free to the women.

"Aha"Harix released a simple word but in a challenging way. He was still standing, while Drayan was still rooted on the wooden chair.

"It's not fair to all of us, you are married to me, but you are playing with them"

"Who is playing who?"

He fathomed that his wife saw him as not just a beast, but also a womanizer. If his performance was in university, he could equate it to a student who bagged all the awards.



"You always ruin all the women you touched"

"For the record Drayan,I didn't touch them ,they touched me"

This was what he was trying to prove.Those women inside his office had nothing to do with him.Yes they flirted with him, but nothing would ignite if the other party was passive.

"It's the same, you are weak, that's why you gave in to their touch"

Jealousy, this was the word that she couldn't say but failed not to show to her husband. She was jealous, but she didn't spell it out, but based from her actions and strong released of words, the insecurity she felt every time she saw those women still transpired.

"Who taught you to judge people beyond what you see?"

"Sometimes even our imagination can beat by reality"

"You are still talking about it, you couldn't still forgive me"

"No,I already forgave you, since the day I have learned to love you"

"I disagree,it's not love, it's infatuation just like how other women feel about me"

"It's love because I am setting you free for your happiness"

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