Ward 26 : Seduce Me

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"Cupid's arrow is straight and sharp, never misses its mark, but it leaves one hell of an exit wound".

— Dave Preston

"Dry...wake up,you need to eat"
Harix found the sleeping Drayan when he went home.She slept while burying her face on the table,just like a dog who lazily slept on the rug while waiting for her master.

"I want to sleep,"
Drayan murmured.

"Dry, please wake up"
Drayan immediately got up and looked at her husband.His husky voice was enough to wake her up.

"You went home late because of this cardigan, right?"Drayan still remembered the cardigan.

Harix gave him a negative answer.The cardigan was something valuable to him,it reminded him of his abhi and the girl.

Drayan didn't plan to hear her husband anymore,she undressed herself to remove the cardigan from her body

"What are you doing? (Ya Allah,don't let her undress in front of me)"
Harix automatically begged from the Creator above and alarmingly asked the woman who was currently undressing herself.She didn't know what she was doing to her husband's mind at the moment.She innocently unbuttoned the cardigan,one by one,she looked like a little girl who was removing her blouse after school.

"This is not mine, so I am going to return it to you"
She was halfway through on removing her cardigan, half of her stomach was already visible from his eyes.He immediately walked nearer to her,and buttoned up the cardigan again.Harix was afraid that his beast would be awakened if he would see more than what she was showing.

"It's cold, you didn't even wear an undershirt" Drayan still lost some screw.After Mrs.Kana left she properly wore the cardigan, she removed the maroon shirt that she was wearing and just wore the cardigan.

Drayan's lifestyle also changed.When she was at home she wore normal clothes now, a pajama and a t-shirt with the absence of a scarf. Her black hijab was still in her possession because she still wore it every time she went out.

"I don't like this cardigan anymore"

"Okay after we eat we will change your clothes"

"I want to change it now"

"Not after you eat"

"Did you hear me I don't like this ugly cardigan anymore"

"Why?"Harix was wondering, this morning she would die to wear it, now she wanted to remove it. His wife was very complicated, more complicated than the word complicated, but this girl kept his mind busy, kept his day colorful, kept his life alive and kept his heart crazy. He would be willing to endure the seduction, the temptation, the tantrums as long as they were both happy. The girl made him forget his unhappiness.

"Mrs.Kana told me why did you became angry when you saw me wearing it"

Harix asked Drayan while setting up the table.Drayan immediately ran to get two plates and two glasses when she saw her husband preparing for dinner.

"It is because this was owned by your woman"
Drayan said while looking on Harix's piercing eyes. Every time her sight landed on those beautiful eyes, her eyes would be glued to it and just stared at it for so long.

"She told you that?"
Harix asked him,to wake her up from fantasizing about him.

"Yes, who owned it? Where is she now? Is she beautiful too, like this cardigan?"

Maybe if they met in good circumstances he could see for a long time the woman's face, but right now, there was nothing he could narrate to his FBI wife

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