Ward 18: Clothe Me

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"Hell is empty and all the devils are here".

William Shakespeare

It had been two weeks since the marriage took place.

Mrs.Kana was the one who took care of Drayan.Since the doctor was busy with his work, he was rarely at home.

Mrs.Kana was Harix's loyal servant.She had almost the same age with Harix's Nana but she was more active and physically fit compared to the old lady.She had been serving Harix's clan from generation to generation, but the most arduous generation was on her young effendi's side, her rebel but kind lamb not to mention the another burden added to her service,her young master's not so normal wife.

Mrs.Kana spent her hard days in Harix's garden hut,every time Drayan stressed her out,she would go there and plant a rose to relieve her stress.

She just came back from a vacation, just on time after Harix's marriage.Brenda was her substitute for a while and the first servant to meet Drayan,but she needed to go back to Harix's Nana since the true loyal servant of the great prince had already arrived.

Mrs.Kana was shocked to know that there were two souls now that she needed to take care of.Though she was struggling to understand Drayan, she was trying, and she was also desperate to change her passion.

One time the servant got tired of dressing drayan her old clothes because it was the same color everyday

"Ah young master,?" Mrs.Kana asked when the man closed his bedroom door.


"Can I buy a new dress, well you know as you have noticed her luggage has ten pieces dress and 10 pieces scarf, but it has all the same color" Mrs.Kana explained her annoyance.The wife was beautiful, but her clothes were all plain and boring.

The dress she carried was the one prepared by his baba.This was also her luggage when she left her Nono's home.

This was the clothes that the old man kept and prepared for her.She carried it all along, even if her hands and her feet would bruise on dragging the suitcase, this didn't matter to her.To Drayan this was a treasure from her nono.

"Buy her when I am at home,you can't leave her alone"

"Can I buy it later? Are you going back to the hospital, master?"

"No,I have another appointment,but I will go after you come back but for now, I have an urgent meeting to attend"

"Okay master"

"Nono! Nono! They are taking my hijab,Nono!"
Harix paused for a moment when he heard a scream from his house.He closed the gate first before he went inside the house.

He wondered why his servants weren't able to open the gate for him, but when he ascended from the stairs and followed the sound he finally understood why.Mang Pelo and Mrs.Kana were both there trying to calm his wife.

Upon seeing the scene in Drayan's room,he asked"what happened?"

"She didn't like the dress" Mang Pelo innocently answered


"I don't know it has the same style with her old clothes, it is just a different color" this time it was Mrs.Kana who answered Harix.

"Nono they are taking my hijab!Nono"
They could hear them inside the bathroom.She was there inside while wearing her dirty clothes and putting the scarf to her head improperly.

"Don't force her to wear another dress"
Harix demanded,if he had known that this would wake up Drayan's crazy side,he wouldn't have agreed in the first place. She was silent these past few days,as long as there was an ice cream after all her meals,she would behave.Yes, her favorite sweets could zipper and boxed her wild and weird side.

Now he remembered that during their wedding, his Nana let the clothes stay on the girl.They just dress in a white traditional dress, but her usual dress served as her underclothes. They didn't really do anything harshly because the old lady explained everything and did everything cautiously.She was really a great doctor because she knew how to handle Drayan, or maybe she was just carrying a heavy load of patience.

"But she is wearing her dress yesterday" Mrs.Kana reasoned out.

"Just change her clothes,it may be the same color but it's different clothing" He noticed that her clothes had sentimental value.It was not just clothes to her, it was deeper than that.

"Yes young effendi(master)"

"Drayan just come outside, and wear your clean clothes okay, dry open the door"
The doctor finally talked to the woman.Since their wedding day he had been trying to act civil and attempted to avoid the woman, but he had no way not to talk to her right now because Mrs.Kana couldn't comfort the woman inside the bathroom,she already stained her good record to the insane soul.

"I am not going to wear that"
Drayan answered him.She recognized the voice of her husband.The only man who could dare to talk to her.

"No,it is still your clothes,I already burned the new one,open the door okay"
Drayan opened the door and saw Mrs.Kana holding another set of her black attire.

"See,this is still your hijab,that one is dirty, so you need to change to a clean one"
Her husband convinced her again.He really did follow his maestro's advice,he tried to talk gently now.As much as he loath this kind of baby talk,he had no choice,he had to be kind according to his professional coach Frank.

When Drayan nodded, Harix left them and proceeded to his room.The two men got out from Drayan's room and let the two women do their thing.

Ever since he brought her to his house, he observed that indeed the woman was an enigma.He thought everything was an act since the test results were all normal, but now he had doubts if there was an error in the test results.

It's too late for him to doubt,Mr.Pura asked him to personally assess his child, but he let the lady doctor do it. The lady doctor who was in love with him since their internship.

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