Chapter 5 - Give it a try

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A/N: wooo...finally,after months (last time was November),I get to update this story too! :D I'm excited,aren't you? I'll pretend you are :P I'm excited also because I've finally been able to come up with a real storyline for this and while I miss some chapters in between,I already have what's much ahead...hehe :D

RECAP (in case you've forgotten the story after so many months):

Natalie is stuck working with both Kyle (her crush,the ones she calls Angel) and Eric (the one she calls Devil)  for a school project. The hottest boys in schools,who...accidentally,well,not really, because there is a precise reason,loathe each other and can't even stand a moment in each other's presence without ending up fighting,which is why Natalie is to work separately with each of them. First day,she worked with Eric and it was awkward. Now the second's Kyle...

ENJOY! ;) and please,leave a feedback (:


Nervous wouldn’t describe my situation. I was more than nervous. I was panicking. It was exactly five o’clock and I was in front of Kyle’s car, fidgeting, didn’t even dare to lean on it. He’d be here in a minute and then we’d face a whole 20 minutes drive to the library. All alone. Me and Kyle alone. Once at destination we won’t be alone because in one way or another there’s always somebody in the library, be it only the librarian himself, but till there … the ride with Eric yesterday wasn’t that awkward because I just let my mind wander alone and it’s not like Eric is such a chatter, so didn’t even try to make conversation.

Speak of the devil … literally, because as I looked up from my phone to check if Kyle was coming, instead I saw Eric coming out of the school. He was wearing simple dark jeans with a grey pullover, hair, like always, disheveled. Am beginning to think he ruffles it because he likes it that way.

I couldn’t help but wonder what was he doing in school till late, I mean, our peers have left since two hours at least and for what I know he didn’t have detention, since it was Kyle’s turn, but hey, it’s none of my business if he runs a secret drug affair on the school’s property.

I lowered my glance when he, getting closer as he was heading towards his car, noticed me. To my relief, he didn’t glare like expected, but neither did he look too happy to see me. Guess he just doesn’t like me, which is odd, I mean, we’ve never had anything to do with each other, but then again, he hates everything and everybody, I’m just another target for his indiscriminate hatred. Although I do think I am on his black list.

I glanced back up when I heard the unlocking of a car and saw Eric opening the backseat door to throw his backpack inside. As he closed the door again, his eyes landed on me again. Trying to be polite, but also to try to get in his good graces, I shyly waved at him, cracking a smile, but he simply ignored me and, once he’d stepped on his car, just left.

I’m not sure if that’s good news for me. Does that mean I’m not even on his radar so I’m safe or he just hates me and my death sentence will soon be executed?

As I was creating dark scenarios of Eric finding the cruelest way to end me, the worst of which, believe it or not, would be tying me up in front of a steamy pizza without letting me take not even a bite and actually making me starve to death, finally I heard that lovely voice: "Hey, Nat. Sorry, I’m late." Kyle told me with a smile, to which I responded with an awkward attempt at smiling back. Obviously failed. So I just fell back on shaking my head to say that it wasn’t important.

He came closer and opened the passenger door for me, gently telling me to step in, so I did and he mimicked me on the driver seat. We left.

Silence filled the car for a few minutes, then Kyle turned on the music. To my displeasure, One Direction were on. I couldn’t help but grimace, hoping he’d change station, and in fact he grumbled too, muttering about how he hated that kind of music. I couldn’t help but smile. At least we have something in common.

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