Chapter 16 - In Truth

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So ... Eric and Dana. I'll admit that while I was surprised in the beginning, now ... mmh, not really. With his reputation and her being so mean, they're perfect together. Yes, they definitely are made to be together. Although, truth to be told, as for being mean, I don't think he reaches her levels. Well, not with me at least. I mean, not ... for me, uh ... duh, you get it. I have direct experience of both, and while all she's ever been to me was mean, he ... well, despite the glaring beginning, he wasn't too bad. Freaked me out with his words and acts, yes, but not bad.

You can imagine I've been pondering over what I overheard all day, well, since I left school and got to work at least, where I still was, bored, cleaning up tables in a dull Monday afternoon because people to serve, there weren't any, apart from the few usual ones. I guess it's exactly because it's Monday that it's this calm.

Odd enough, I couldn't help but reminisce that just a week ago, I spent my Monday afternoon trying not to squirm underneath Eric's intense gaze while we worked on our project. I shouldn't even think about it. I mean, what does that mean? I also spent an afternoon at the library with Kyle, and lunch chatting with him, just like evenings ... and yet, yet those are not as stuck in my mind as those moments alone with Eric are.

Like Saturday at my place. It was ... peaceful. Not that we joked or chatted playfully, he was serious all the time, explaining over and over again those Math rules that don't seem to fit in my mind. I guess it goes with being a book nerd. Loving literature and humanistic subjects means hating and being a slouch at the scientific ones. Although, I am not too bad at Biology. Except for that time when the teacher wanted us to vivisect a poor frog and I threw up in the middle of the class when my partner opened up the poor creature's intestines.

Reaching the counter to ask Fran if there was anything else I should do, considering I had already cleaned up all the table, she grinned, starting to tell me I could take a break or even the day off if I wanted to, but stopped mid-sentence to tell me there was actually a new client. I turned around and ... great. Just great. Never once was he here before I took him, and now he frequents it so voluntarily.

I sighed inaudibly, just not to let Fran think there was something wrong with me, but for being an old lady, my boss has an incredible memory, in fact ... "Isn't that your cute friend from last time? Why don't you go greet him?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed once more, giving up on any attempt at retorting that Eric wasn't my friend, even though I was glad she didn't imply he was even more than that. So, gathered up some courage, just as he'd sat down in the same corner booth of last time, I gulped down my fears and walked to him.

It's odd, you know. More than fearing his angry fits, now I feared just facing him, afraid that dream would come to my mind at the less opportune moment. But unconsciously I also glanced at the door, just to see if there was a particular girl to arrive after him and join him. Dana, of course. But obviously, if they were hiding in the janitor's room, they want to keep it secret, therefore they're gonna be careful not to be seen together, maybe even act like they loathed each other. Then again, it's none of my business, is it? Although I do wonder why did she warn me about keeping away from Kyle if she already was with Eric.

"Hi, I'm Natalie. What can I get you?" Don't ask me why I gave him my standard phrase for clients, it just came out of itself. But that was just about the most amount of courage I had been able to muster, so there was no way I could make up a real conversation, which I guess I wouldn't have to worry about, considering he's not much of a talker.

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