Chapter 55 - Before saying goodbye

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WARNING: this chapter contains explicit sexual contents

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She was choking me and I was barely able to breathe at this point, I could feel life slipping away. Part of me, the most skeptical, wondered if Eric could ever want this, if he could ever forgive his ... friend here for doing this. But where was he? He didn't know she came after me, so he had no idea. He had no idea his redheaded friend here was in a Parisian dead end, grinning wickedly as she choked his ex girlfriend to death. Strength was abandoning me, my arms weren't able to fight anymore and I couldn't breathe anymore, this time literally, I saw little white lights floating around me, I felt life leaving my body ... I was, as a matter of fact, dying.



Out of the blue, just as I was about to lose consciousness, air missing almost completely, I felt the girl let go of my neck, and a noise from beside me, like ... like she'd been slammed against the wall, and I heard a too familiar male voice hiss darkly: "Do something like that again and you won't wake up to see another day, you got it?"

I was breathing erratically, air finally reaching my lungs again after what felt like ages, but I swallowed, both to regain my strength and not to think that I knew all too well who that was. My hand unconsciously reached my throat and I hissed lowly, feeling a light cut, probably because of the girl's nails.

My sight was a little bit blurred and I could still see those small white lights floating around me, but I forced myself to keep consciousness and when I closed my eyes I heard the girl apologizing: "It was just for your own good." She justified, her voice strained, as if she could barely breathe, just like I was a few moments ago.

"Letting her be would have been for my own good! Not trying to kill her!" That male voice hissed even more darkly and I heard another noise, like a ... a death rattle. As if she was ... choking? He was choking her?? For ...

"Let her go!" I yelled to no one, considering I could barely see both. As far as I'm concerned, they could as well be both ghosts and my mind was making up all of this, though I could still feel all too well the girl's hand around my throat and air quickly leaving my lungs.

Yet, instantly, I heard another noise, possibly the girl falling as she coughed, muttering curses about how soft he was and how she'd make him pay for this.

But, what I was more focused on was the fact that, even in the dark, I could feel a pair of eyes on me, and they weren't the girl's. I knew for sure that those eyes staring at me were the same blues I so much loved. He didn't speak and silence reigned for a moment as the girl moved slightly away. I was blocked against the wall, but this time only because my body didn't want to move. He was right there, in front of me. After three years. I wanted to talk, say anything, but I couldn't bring myself to.

Eventually, he broke the silence, yet his words weren't directed at me: "Let's go." He simply ordered, grabbing the girl, I suppose, because I could hear her getting up. Only a moment ago he was choking her and now he was helping her to her feet like it was nothing. They moved away from me and I was frozen in my spot, not just because my throat still hurt and I was shocked, but because I had no idea what to do. Yet ...

"W-Wait ..." I mumbled instinctively, but if they heard me, they pretended not to, so I forced my voice to come out louder, even if shaky, as I called, not shouting, but enough loud to be heard clearly: "Eric, wait!"

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