Chapter 45 - Teach Me

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WARNING: this chapter contains explicit sexual contents

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Despite the rough beginning of the week, with Dana wanting my head on a silver plate and then finding out about Eric and Kyle actually being brothers and then my silly breakdown in class about my own father, it was going everything fine.

It was Thursday already and everything was absolutely perfect. Eric spent two nights out of free at my place and no, we didn't do what you guys think we did, no ... mom was just in the room next to mine, we couldn't have even if we wanted to. Actually she kind of ... didn't know he was sleeping with me ... I mean, she's been going out every night this week, with Michael, and she agreed I'd have Eric coming over because we didn't feel like going out, but even if she knows I'm no more virgin, she obviously can't allow me to do things under her own roof, can she? Therefore Eric was allowed to come over, but always with a curfew, namely, by 10 he was to go home.

About that, he didn't quite explain, but he said he's sleeping in a hotel lately ... something about his house being confiscated for I don't know what reason. I asked, but he said he was going to tell me soon, when he found the courage to talk about it, so I agreed, not wanting to push him. He'll tell me when he's ready. Although something tells me there are huge and dark secrets in his past he's afraid to spill ... I just hope it's nothing too bad that he experiecenced.

Anyhow, he's been sleeping at my place a couple of times, well, more than a couple of times ... ok, ok, maybe I lied ... he's been spending all his nights with me this week. Happy? And ... while we couldn't do anything because my mother was just in the other room, we could do everything while she was out with Michael ... I still feel a little odd, but yeah, apparently I am sexually active. Yay.

The second time was still a bit painful, but it faded sooner and only pleasure prevailed. It's always amazing, I swear. Eric and I have sort of found a routine, which sounds a bit boring, but yeah, this week all we've done is spend the evening half watching movies/series and half making out, only to stand up and stumble to my bedroom when we really couldn't hold back.

The first time we did it in my bed, it was awkward. I had stuffed animals everywhere and books occupying a big part of my room and I felt silly, but Eric didn't bother, I guess for obvious reasons ...

I can't describe how waking up to his face feels like. It's simply amazing, I swear. Every morning, I open my eyes and find myself facing that hard chest, those strong arms wrapped around me in both protection and affection. Every morning I nuzzle that chest and gain a rumbling laugh in response and those arms better wrapped around me, plus an always heartwarming hoarse "good morning, princess". I swear, his hoarse voice when he's just woken up is something incredible. It's so sexy and hot and I feel shivers down my spine just at that, I swear.

This morning was no exception. Just as I opened my eyes, I found that sight welcoming me and I couldn't help grinning, but this time, other than nuzzling that hard chest, I placed a kiss on it, gaining not a laugh, but a low groan, those arms better wrapping against me.

When I looked up, I noticed Eric still had his eyes closed, so he was still sleeping, which figures, yesterday night we stayed up late studying for the SAT.

I took it last year, in spring, because by then I had the clear idea I was aiming at one of the Ivy League's colleges, even if I knew I couldn't afford it, but mom said not to worry, to just try it, so, I took the SAT last year and I even got quite a good grade, which allowed me to avoid taking it this year, seeing as my counselor told me that with that score and my GPA and my grades, I had many chances to get admitted to a big college, but Eric, as he told me, always took for granted he wouldn't get admitted anywhere, or anywhere interesting anyway, given his all but clean record (over which he skated, by the way), but I convinced him he should at least give it a try, so we could maybe go to the same college.

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