Chapter 40 - A special day

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I was walking towards the cafeteria when I felt somebody grabbing my arm. Because of the suddenness, I yelped, especially since that someone pushed me into the janitor's closet, but I knew perfectly who it was.

"All this secrecy thing is driving me insane." Eric commented before crashing his lips on mine, arms around me in a quite possessive way. I giggled as I pulled back to breathe and raked a hand through his hair, messing it more than it was already.

"It was your idea, Rivers." He simply growled and attacked my lips once more. It's been three weeks already. Eric and I have been dating since three weeks already. Possibly the best period of my entire life actually. The idea of next week being our first ... monthiversary has my butterflies flutter in my stomach, because despite the premises, till now it's been every amazingly great. Just that.

But ... we're still laying low, so nobody knows about us, except for Kyle, Aisha, and, of course, Jamie. Jamie who's nearly burst my eardrums with her squealing when I told her two weeks ago. She wouldn't stop blabbing that she'd told me so, that she'd always known I'd pick the bad boy over the angel and so on.

With Kyle it's all normal. I mean, we are friends. For real. He's been eating with me and Aisha at lunch, even though, I normally eat quickly and then meet Eric in the gym every day, just because we need every possible moment, especially considering we cannot be seen together. He works at Sophie's on Saturdays and there we can get some more time when we both need to do things in the kitchen, or we just pretend we have to, actually.

Overall it's not bad, though. I mean, despite everything, we still go on dates. In ... places where nobody we know could see us, but we go on dates. Although, I'll admit, my favorite moments are when it's just me and him simply cuddling on my couch while watching a movie. Well, ok, kind of watching a movie as we make out. Sounds more truthful?

Since that time, mom has explicitly forbidden us to get to my room, but Eric can drop by when she's out, which, somehow, it's starting to happen more often and I'm not entirely sure it's because she works ... but she'll tell me when she feels like it.

Eric and I have been also getting to know each other better, well, we've been talking about our things and so, while he's told me about all those times he watched me from afar, blushing a little as he admitted it was a little creepy, but I simply kissed his cheek, saying it was cute. He was simply unable to take his eyes off of me, which I could understand, because with my crush I was always a little bit of stalker like. Of course, mentioning my crush had him stiffen a little, but he got over it when I reminded him that I picked him and it was him that I was falling for.

About that, when that day I heard him confess all of that to my mother, my heart melted into a puddle. I remained there, transfixed, leaning on the balustrade, completely mesmerized, trying to take in all of his words. Yes, just the night before he'd confessed he loved me, but to hear such words ... and with what determination and sincerity he spoke! I remember those words by heart, they are simply imprinted in my heart and they will be forever.

Every tear falling down her rosy cheeks will be my heart losing a drop of blood. Because I love Natalie with all my being and my existence is worth it only if she is beside me. How can I forget such things? It made me cry out of joy right then and there, so much that Eric found me on the stairs, gripping the balustrade, and at first thought I wasn't feeling well, but then I, out of the blue, jumped in his arms, thanking him wholeheartedly because I never knew being loved like that was possible and could make me feel like that.

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