Chapter 49 - No Way!

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WARNING: this chapter contains sexual contents

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"Do you have everything?" Eric asked me from my doorframe. Grinning, I turned to him and showed him my thumbs up, making him smile. Once I'd zipped my bag, he pulled off the doorframe and came to me to pick it up, taking the chance to steal a kiss before heading downstairs.

Mom reached us at the door and handed me a paper bag, saying there were muffins for our trip. Grinning, I argued that I'd already prepared triple chocolate muffins for the purpose, but she retorted that she knew that, she'd found the ingredients ready and everything, and she also knew that if I'd made such effort, it was certainly because my boyfriend like that type, so she made some more for the other two people travelling with us.

Where are we going? To a cabin in the woods, for Spring Break. Our school postpones it to mid-April normally, but this time principal Roberts made an exception an anticipated it of a week. Not really a big change, but whatever. As soon as we knew, Kyle proposed we go to his family's cabin in the woods and of course, how could we refuse?

Things between him and Aisha are going with flying colors, after that first date, they've been going out almost every night and they're practically glued to each other, which has me and Eric mocking them as they mocked us just a few weeks ago, but we have fun altogether.

This weekend is going to be awesome, I feel it. After that, the school will officially enter the prom atmosphere, since it's in three weeks, but important for me is, I will receive the response from colleges. I'm so excited, so anxious, so ... everything! I haven't quite made up my mind yet, but Yale and NYU are in pole position, though the latter might win because it's cheaper. Mom says I should pick whatever I want, she can afford it and she's sure I'll win a scholarship anyway, but ... if everything goes South, there's a last resort: my third-grade cousin, Jake.

Mom talked to him a few months ago, she said, and he's willing to help. I was flustered and a bit aggravated when she told me, I mean, why did she ask someone we barely talk to? But then she told me that she didn't ask, he offered. I honestly have never even met this guy, he's been around the world quite a bit, but mom kind of knows him, says he's reliable, comes off as harsh and cold, but he's not bad. Reminds me of someone ... by chance, my cousin is dark blonde too, just with hazel-green eyes instead of blues.

Anyway, mom travelled to New York last September, to see uncle Peter, and she bumped into Jake, who was there to see his own sister, Serene. Said they talked and caught up, she was surprised because she hadn't seen him since his father's funerals 15 years ago and apparently Jake has changed much, looks definitely harsher than before, which she justifies with the things that have happened to him, things she doesn't quite know, uncle Peter only hinted at some bad experiences my cousin had, but wasn't precise. You see? Even more similarities with some boy I know ...

Anyhow, I was saying, mom caught up with this Jake and they've kept in contact a bit, nothing much, just a couple of texts now and then, but she told him about me, well, he asked how was I doing, I mean, my cousin obviously knows about me, duh, we've just never had the chance to meet in person. His branch of the Watson family is a little bit ... messy apparently, but they're the rich ones, given how huge the Watson Enterprises are.

And that's the thing. Jake asked mom about me, said he was curious about meeting his cousin and frankly flustered that he'd never had the chance in 18 years. Mom told him I was about to start my senior year (it was September, remember?) and he asked if I'd picked a college already, so she gave him my list and he asked why didn't I take a shot at Harvard, mom said I never thought of it and he argued that the name Watson, well, his branch of the family, was quite grand there, so I'd certainly have a good start. Mom just said she'd tell me about it, and he gave her his number.

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