Chapter 25 - Enigma

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When I spotted Eric on the bleachers, just as I entered the gym, I battled with myself to go talk to him, but then I considered that, one, in school we still, for some reason, act like we don't even know each other, two, well ... I don't think he'd really want to talk about that kiss and really I wouldn't know what to say.

Yet ... when he looked up at me, I warily waved at him, cracking a small smile, but he didn't respond, actually, he ignored me. It was obvious that I couldn't expect anything from that kiss, and really I didn't, but I just thought ... I just thought that maybe after all this time we might be taking a step closer to being at least acquainted if not friends, but I guess I was just wrong. Better said, my first belief was true: after the project and everything, Eric and I would be back to strangers.

It felt disappointing, yes. Especially because, when I think about it, I know that even if it was just a simple peck on the lips, it left me something I still can't decipher and I felt strange, like something was changing and I didn't know what.

Oh, well, I guess I can go back to normal now. Me being invisible. Because, believe me, having the hottest boys in school alternatively approach me by my locker did cause some eyes to set on me. Both Kyle and Eric are pretty well known in our school, actually, there's not a soul that doesn't know who Kyle Romano and Eric Rivers are. Even freshmen arrive with some knowledge and if not, they find out in the first days.

Me, I don't really fit with any of them. I mean, Eric is on the bad side and I'm seen as a little saint. Kyle ... he's popular, everybody loves him, especially because he's captain of the soccer team and the one that only guides them to victory. Me ... oh, well, welcome back anonymity.

Just as I thought that, I felt somebody brushing my arm.

"Hi." A tall, dark-haired boy I didn't know greeted. Looking up at him, I saw he was not too bad, I mean, cute, with bright blue eyes, kind of similar to Eric but a bit darker, and in any case Eric's blues are more beautiful, I mean ... it's a matter of fact, not just me, those eyes hold a very intense look and they are able to convey so many emotions when he lets them.

Normally, they're icy and it appears like he has no heart and no feelings at all, but ... ok, don't take it bad, but ... lately, when he looks at me, even more when he smiles at me, truly smiles, in those eyes I see a gentleness, a sensitiveness I've never thought he could be capable of, because in those little moments he comes off as ... a normal teenage boy that's smiling, a very, very cute normal teenage boy that's smiling and ... and I like it.

Beware, I said I like his smile and his eyes, not ... him, ok? Because I don't like Eric in that sense. I like being around him when he's not scary, but I don't like him in that sense, ok? Case closed.

Jamie dug a hole in my head with her babbling about how that isn't true, because I look at him in this different way she didn't want to explain but she says she's never seen me look at a boy like that, not even Kyle. She says my eyes twinkle when they settle on Eric, which is absurd if you ask me, but then I talked about that to Aisha too and she confirmed, saying that I don't even realize it, but, one, I unconsciously smile when I gaze at Eric, even in the distance, two, there is something that lights up in my eyes, something she hasn't seen in my gaze when I look at Kyle instead. I think they're both crazy.

I can only imagine how will they squeal and torment me when I tell them about that little peck on the lips Eric gave me just yesterday.

"H-hi ..." I awkwardly responded to the guy beside me.

He smiled. "I'm Nathan." He told me, extending his hand to me.

"Natalie." I replied, shaking his hand, still confused because ... well, the boy was cute even and he was talking to me. Of all the girls in that gym, he was talking to me! I know it's pathetic, but normally boys really don't even see me. Well, in these weeks I've had male eyes on me as well, but it was only when either Kyle or Eric would approach me. I guess it's like sheep following the shepherd ...

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