Chapter 41 - So perfect

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a/n: there are two big moments to come and I wanted to put them together in the same chapter,but then it'd be too long, is one,in the next chapter you'll have the other :)

let me know what you think :)



Oh, I was so excited! Since Kyle last week told me that today it'd be Eric's 19th birthday I immediately started organizing. It took me a while to come up with something really great, but I made it.

I'm sure he's gonna love it. The only thing that scares me is the grand finale I have planned, but that's the most important and greatest part, hence, it can't be cancelled. It's the right moment, the right occasion. Everything's perfect.

It took me hours to pick an outfit, always helped by Aisha, but in the end I made it. This was going to be a spectacular day and it's all for him, therefore I have to look at my best.

When I said this to Aisha she squealed, saying she just knew what to do, so, for once, I put myself in my friend's hands and entrusted her with my look without complaining. Considering there are different parts to this special day, my friend also instructed me to wear different outfits, so, three parts, three different outfits. I argued that it wasn't necessary, but she reminded me of what I had planned, so it was obvious that I needed to get changed, especially for the other two parts.

Right now, as a first, I was wearing a short grey jersey dress with white stars as decorations. I wasn't really sure about it, because it was really, really short, but Aisha said those kind of dresses are to be worn with thick stockings, which means not much of my skin would be seen, and, I'll admit, thinking of how will Eric react to it, I agreed.

Although, I was still admiring myself in the mirror, not truly convinced. Aisha had adjusted my hair in a cute curly up-do and for once I was wearing my contact lenses and, even makeup. Seriously, not that much, but I was wearing makeup, especially lipstick.

"You look delicious, Cookie!" Aisha beamed from the edge of my bed, where she was sitting. I half grinned as I gazed at that girl in the mirror. This was nothing, compared to the other dress I'll be wearing tonight and to the one I wore for our first date, so I shouldn't be so nervous, but I guess that more than the dress, it's the thing per se. Because this ... celebration is really important, especially for the grand finale I have in mind.

Inhaling deeply, I nodded at both myself in the mirror and at Aisha. She leaped to her feet and handed me the bag she'd lent me, because I needed a big one, for the change of clothes and everything, and I had none. Grinning, we headed out of my room and downstairs, my heart already beating fast at the thought of Eric waiting for me at Sophie's. I'd be seeing him in 15 minutes. Yes, I counted. Because I'm too excited for this. Also scared and freaked out and nervous, but basically excited.

I don't have a car, so Aisha would be taking me to my destination. I wanted to ask her to lend me hers, because I do have my license, just couldn't afford a car, and because I already know it'll take much persuading to convince Eric to let me drive his "Betsy", but just as I thought about voicing my thoughts, while we were heading out of the house, we bumped into my mother.

We both looked surprised at each other, mom and I. She was presumably confused regarding my attire, even though she knows I'm going out with Eric for his birthday and ... she knows about the grand finale I have in mind, because, doubting a little, I told her. She was upset at first, but her next reaction was ... taking me to the clinic. No, not the psychiatric one. You'll understand soon, believe me. I was looking at her confused because she wasn't supposed to be at home now.

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