Chapter 4 - Spacing out

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Wednesday. For some reason I woke up in a different mood this morning, more … cheerful, so much that mom looked at me like I’d gone nuts. The truth is, if I’m right, today is going to be a great day. I was taking my books from the locker, having to head to Math in five minutes, when, closing the locker, I noticed shoes on the opposite side of its door. My heart started thumping in my chest, convinced it was Kyle, but …

"Lost this in my car."

The voice behind the locker door said, well, kind of grumbled. I closed the locker and in front of me I found a pretty tired Eric, hair disheveled (that, by the way, made him look even sexier), handing me a keychain with a little grey elephant. I gazed at the thing, confused, but then I recognized it. It was the little thing I had hanging on my shoulder bag. Didn’t even notice it’d had fallen.

"Uh … thanks …"

I mumbled, retrieving the keychain from his hands. Eric just grunted and left. So lovely, huh? Oh, well, I shrugged it off. Nothing would ruin my mood today. I walked to class with a big smile on my face, because I love Math so much … what I love most about that class is the second row, which for some reason always attracts my attention, taking it from the blackboard … guess that’s one reason why I suck at Math, but overall it’s because I don’t understand it.

Once arrived, I took my usual seat in the fourth row, left side, and just waited … for the teacher? Nah. For my angel to arrive. And he didn’t disappoint me. Like always, Kyle entered just a minute before the teacher, his cute smile always at its place, talking to some boys. Really I did my best not to stare, but, differently from other times, he noticed me and actually waved at me! He waved at me, he actually raised his hand and saluted me! Even smiling! Oh, if you could feel how fast my heart was beating right now … anything he does seems made to cause me a heart attack.

I barely succeeded in taking notes about functions, which sure as Hell I’ll never understand, since all I could think of was Kyle and how cute he looked when he was so focused on listening to the teacher. Maybe I could ask him for help in Math … mmh, no, judging from his grades, he’s not that better than me at it … Math is the only subject in which I fail, the only one. I just don’t get along with numbers, they confuse me.

Time went by quickly as I, almost looking like a stalker, just kept staring at Kyle, chin leaned on my elbow, dreamy look that I hid underneath the impression of being focused on what Miss Stern (no kidding, that’s her real name and it fits her to a tee) was writing on the blackboard. Once it finished, I packed my things slowly, having no will of leaving that special class, especially since following there was Philosophy, and I hate Philosophy even more than Math, I mean, it’s sooooo  boring! Why do we even study it? Just as I exited the classroom, I was startled to find Kyle out there, waiting … for me??

"Hey, Nat."

He greeted me with one of his lovely smiles.

"How you doing?"

He asked me as I unconsciously walked past him, so he followed me.

"F-fine … thanks …"

Tell me I’m not crimson, tell me I’m not crimson … I could feel the heat on my cheeks, so yeah, I surely blushed, but Kyle either didn’t notice or pretended not to. He just smiled.

"Good. Listen, about that project …"

"I … worked with Eric yesterday."

Kyle blinked his eyes, surprised.

"Seriously? You’ve managed to get that jerk to actually work on it?"

"Well, it’s … not like he came up with ideas but … yeah, he did cooperate."

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