Chapter 11 - Maybe it's not that bad...

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"So, let me get this straight ... she attacked you because you had lunch with her friend?" The girl in front of me resumed, tasting her strawberry ice cream like it was the best thing in the world. I just shrugged, tasting my chocolate ripple piece of Heaven. This one's the best in town. Definitely.

Aisha stared at me, eyes narrowed, like she just didn't understand, which made me chuckle and nearly choke on my ice cream.

When me met, just a few hours ago, she instantly made me feel better, I mean, I'd been crying on the floor for a while, till I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw this pretty girl with curly brown hair and light ebony skin smiling at me as she said 'don't mind that bitch'. I just laughed, unable to do else, then I stood up and we introduced.

Turns out she's a new student, feeling a little lost because she's been here since two days only and everything's new and we're in January already so her load of work is doubled because she has to catch up with the schedule and so on.

Long story short, since I was late already, I decided I'd skip French and after I regained my composure, we remained in an empty class just talking. I did feel guilty for skipping, but Aisha told me French wasn't such a priority and she was sure I'd ace the final test anyway, which made me laugh, but I felt a little relieved.

It's good to have somebody other than yourself to talk to, you know. Yes, I have Jamie, but she's far away and we only talk over the phone or via text messages, while Aisha is here and ... well, I just met her a couple of hours ago, but I already like her. She's funny and honestly, with her expansive character, she makes my best friend look like a very introvert type, which, obviously Jamie isn't at all.

"Are they just friends?" Aisha asked, returning to her ice cream.

We were at Dawson's, the best ice cream parlor in town, if you ask me, it was late afternoon already, which means Aisha and I have spent more than three hours together, starting from when she literally picked me up from the floor by 2 pm.

Once school was officially over, Aisha said she had nothing to do, so she'd gladly stick with me if I didn't mind and I obviously agreed, also meaning to show her the town.

When I got to the café with Aisha in tow, Sophie said I could take the day off because there wasn't really much to do, so I just spent my time with my new friend, or the one I already hope I can call friend.

In an hour I need to be at home to go with mom to Dr. Green's, which is a real bummer, because I really like chatting with Aisha. Although, she's spent half of the time comparing the town to LA, where she comes from, and then she's made me repeat over and over what Dana told me and everything, always grumbling the worst of things against my nemesis, which made me laugh and ... well, in the end I really felt better and was really grateful for having met Aisha.

What's odd for me is her siding with me while she's the kind of girl Dana would welcome with open arms in her clique, because, I mean, Aisha is cool and cured in everything and knows about fashion even more than I know about books, which may I tell you, is something. But she says she had enough of that type of girls back in LA and since Dana was so mean to make me break into tears in the middle of the hall, she can't be the kind of friend she'd want, which I'm awfully glad for. At least, maybe, if I've got this new friend by my side, these last months in this Hell won't be that awful.

"For all I know, they are just friends, but you see, I'm not that up to date when it comes to gossip." I replied, nearly making out with the spoon as I enjoyed my last piece of chocolate ripple Heaven.

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