Chapter 2 - The Link Connecting Them

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Tuesday. Miraculously, I made it to school on time, but just as I was taking my books from the locker ...

"Hey, Nat."

That lovely voice called. I turned around to see Kyle smiling at me, leaning on a locker beside mine. Wow, one day and I go from nonexistent on his radar to "Nat". Had I known, I would have tried to talk to him much before ... most probably would have never had the guts, but you know ... a girl can dream ...

"H-hi ..."

I mumbled, closing my locker.

"How you doing?"

He asked me.

"F-fine ... you?"

"Oh, fine, but got a week of detention for the fight with that jerk ..."

He told me, annoyed.

"Oh ... uh ... sorry about that ..."

I tried to say and he half smiled.

"No problem. Also because he got worse."


"Yeah, he's got detention too, different periods from mine, and is forced to clean the courtyard."

He said with a victorious smirk I'm not too sure I like. I just nodded, not knowing what to say.

"So, the thing is, Mrs. Porter said we have to continue the project anyway."

He told me. I frowned.

"How are we supposed to do that if you guys can't be together without starting a war?"

I couldn't help but ask and he chuckled.

"That's where you come in, Nat."


"Yeah, you. You'll be the link that connects us."

I blinked my eyes, confused, and he chuckled.

"We're supposed to work on that project anyway, and since we can't stand each other's guts ... you're gonna work with me and him separately and then put the thing together."

He explained. I was still confused.

"When it comes to that, we can just all work on our own and then we ..."

"It's a story, we need it fluent and coherent."

I pursed my lips.

"I highly doubt Eric's going to be willing to cooperate ..."

Kyle chuckled.

"Maybe for a hottie like you he'll change his mind."

He said, winking at me and nearly causing me a double, no, triple heart attack. The doorbell rang so I had no time to reply since he disappeared in a minute. He was kidding, Nat, just kidding. But that's the second time he implies I'm pretty ... nah, it's a joke. Surely a joke. Those like Kyle don't even look at those like me. I bet whatever you want that he'll go back to ignore me once we've finished this project. Actually I don't know why did the boys enroll for this class, I mean, I know why I did, I love writing and would love to become writer or journalist one day, but Eric doesn't look like the pouring my heart out on paper kind, actually I'm pretty sure he never ever pours his heart out to someone, keeps it all inside, just like I do ... Kyle instead, he's a sportsman, I don't think he goes for the writing thing. But maybe they've just taken it because it's quite an easy course so they'll pass without problems, well, they think they will ... they don't know how strict Mrs. Porter can be. I've already had this course with her, so I know how she is. Anyway, I walked to my British Literature class, actually quite happily, because hey, even if in such a complicated predicament, my crush has finally noticed me! Ok, he had no choice, but still ... and he thinks I'm pretty! Ok, maybe he doesn't, was just playing around, but still ... the words beauty and hottie rolled off his tongue directed at me! That's a huge start, isn't it? I'm not exactly a Victoria Secret's model, I mean, I do have my soft love handles and maybe I should seriously think to get on a diet, but I'm not fat. Even our general practitioner, to whom my mother brings me often enough to seem paranoid, says I'm healthy and overall average, would just need to drop a few pounds, but it's not totally necessary. He sums it up in curvy. Yes, that's what he says and what I've come to believe myself. I'm just curvy, which is not bad at all. Plus, I like eating, I'm an awful cook, but I like eating. Luckily my mother is one hell of a cook instead. That's maybe one reason why I tend to put on weight every holiday. My father left us when I was just born. Later mom explained me that I wasn't exactly a ... legitimate child, so yeah, he practically ran away when she told him she was pregnant. Oh, well, elements like that, better lose them, right? Mom and I are fine all alone, although she's tried to go on dates but it never worked, which surprised me, because my mother is a beautiful woman, but maybe, no, most probably, she thought of me while seeing those men, I mean, she's tried to date till I was 10, then just stopped. I think it was originally mostly to just find me a father. Now that I'm 18 I don't need a father, kind of miss having one sometimes, but I'm just fine with it. Anyhow, unlike most of my peers, I actually listened to every single word Miss Casey said. I just love British Literature, like love, true love. The rest of my morning went smooth, till lunch ... as I walked down the hall towards the cafeteria, I couldn't help but notice Eric in front of his locker, well, I suppose it was his. He was alone, so there it was, the right moment to talk about the project. Gathering up all my courage, I went to him. He was giving me his back, since by the time I was there he was about to leave, I swallowed and tried to make my heart stop hammering in my chest and finally at least call him.

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