Chapter 22 - It's nothing

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a/n: good news,I've finally reached that point where I have already written several chapters (those that were forward in time), which just need to be fixed,so updates can be more frequent.

bad news...exams are getting close,there are classes,so I will be a little busy. I promise to do my best,though ;)

let me know what you think ;)


A balcony. The full moon. No clouds in the sky. A breathtaking view in front of me. My hands were leaning on the balustrade and I was smiling ... smiling because I felt truly happy, like I never thought was possible. And when all of a sudden I felt arms around my waist, somebody nuzzling my neck, my smile widened and that happiness only increased.

I turned around and he pecked my lips. I could feel his smile even in our kiss. When my eyes fluttered open again, I gazed into his blues.

"I love you, Natalie."

I smiled as I pecked his lips. "I love you too, Eric."


"Eric? Wasn't it Kyle?" Somebody asked. I opened my eyes, confused, finding myself in my bed, my bedroom, the sun already up, its rays penetrating through my curtains. I was still confused but I did feel the weight of my bed shifting.

"How comes, just a couple of afternoons with the bad boy and you've already forgotten your precious angel?" A familiar voice asked.

Even if still asleep and confused by the dream, I looked up and grinned. "Jamie!" I exclaimed as I sat up immediately.

"No, Santa ..." She mocked, rolling her eyes, but I simply hugged her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still holding her and, actually, not really wanting to let her go, because I've missed her so badly! We spent Christmas together, because she came over, but it's been almost a month already so it's long!

She lightly moved back and grinned. "Well, Cole had some business here so I ... gently asked him to bring me with him." I grinned as well, knowing what she meant by that.

"Asked or ... pestered?" I pointed out and she huffed, waving her hand as she stood up.

"Well, you know I have my persuasive ways ..." She boasted as she walked towards the window while I better settled on bed, chuckling. I know she's probably burst her brother's eardrums with her babbling and he finally gave in.

"What's he doing here?" I asked as I stood up, stretching a little.

Jamie shrugged, sitting on my windowsill. "He said business, but I bet it's about a girl." She mused, arms and legs crossed, as I walked to my wardrobe.

"A girl?" I asked while fetching my clothes.

"Yeah, he's been strange lately. I think he met a girl last time we were here and they've been hearing from each other, 'cause, I mean, I've been seeing him talk a lot over the phone ..." She trailed off, telling me about her brother, who's three years older than us, so already in college, as I collected what I'd be wearing today, trying not to think of my dream.

I dreamed of Eric. And not just ... something random. I dreamed of us confessing our feelings to each other like it was the most normal thing to do, like we'd done that already and we were a ... stable couple.

What's odd is that, even while looking at him I knew it was Eric, he wasn't ... 18-years-old Eric, I mean ... he looked ... slightly older, enough to say he wasn't a teenager anymore but neither too old. He was ... 20-something, I think, and I guess so was I, which means ... I've dreamed of us, together, something like five years from now at least.

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